Education – Resource Room Wednesday (Shapiro)
3/22: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- Reviewed the 4 questions for the last time before Passover. Read some of the answers to the 4 questions from the book, “The Four Questions” by Ori Sherman and Lynne Sharon Schwartz
- Hey- Practice the Blessing After the Haftorah. Each student will practice a blessing they fell they need to work on.
- Aleph- Review the Four Questions. Share book about the four questions.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your Hebrew class.
- Have a restful vacation and a Happy Passover.
- Sunday, March 26 - Sunday, April 2 NO Religious & Hebrew School – Spring Break
- Wednesday, April 5th: NO Wednesday Hebrew School – 1st Day Pesach
- Sunday, April 9th: Religious School Resumes
- Wednesday, April 12th: NO Wednesday Hebrew School – 7th Day Pesach
- Wednesday, April 19th: Wednesday Hebrew School Resumes
- You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
- You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.
3/15 Today in class we worked on:
- Bet: Reviewed the 4 questions. Shared book about the 4 questions. “The Four Questions” by Ori Sherman and Lynne Sharon Schwartz
- Hey: Practiced reading the Geverot and the blessing after reading the Haftorah. Didn’t get to this last week.
- Aleph: Reviewed the Four Questions. Shared book about the four questions.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
3/8: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet: Read in the Bet textbook. Played Hebrew letter game.
- Hey: Practice reading the Geverot the blessing after reading the Haftorah.
- Aleph: Using the flashcards we reviewed the Hebrew letters and their sounds. We worked in the textbook and then played Go fish with the Hebrew Letter cards.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
3/1: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- Continue to review days of the week and the colors. We practiced writing the letters on a white board.
- Hey- Practiced reading the Avot V’ Imahot. Reviewed Torah Blessings.
- Aleph- Continued practicing the vocabulary words from the book. Practiced writing the letters on a white board.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
2/23: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- Review days of the week and the colors. We played the matching the game.
- Hey- Practice reading the Geverot. Review Torah Blessings.
- Aleph- Continue practicing the vocabulary words from the book. Play the matching the letters game.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class
2/15: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- We continue to review the vocabulary in the Bet book. Practiced reading in the Bet book.
- Hey- Practice reading the Avon V’Imahot and Geverot. Review Torah Blessings.
- Aleph- Practice the vocabulary words from the book. Play the matching the letters game. Didn’t get to do this last week.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
2/28: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- we reviewed the days of the week in Hebrew. We continue to review the vocabulary in the Bet book. Practiced reading in the Bet book .
- Hey- Continued reading the words for the prayer of After Reading the Haftorah Blessing. We reviewed Before Reading the Haftorah Blessing.
- Aleph- Practice the vocabulary words from the book. Play the matching the letters game. Didn’t get to do this last week.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
2/1: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- we continue to review the vocabulary in the Bet book. Practiced reading in the Bet book .
- Hey- Continued reading the words for after reading the Haftorah Blessing. We tried to chant it. We reviewed before reading the Haftorah Blessing.
- Aleph- Practice the vocabulary words from the book. Play the matching the letters game.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
1/25: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- Go over the vocabulary in the Bet book. Practiced reading in the Bet book .
- Hey- Continued going over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. Chant the blessing before reading of the Haftorah. Use the website to help us chant. Begin reading the words for after reading the Haftorah.
- Aleph- Using the flashcards, review the names of the letters. Go over the vocabulary words that have been presented so far.
Homework to be completed by next class:
1/18: Today in class we worked on:
- Bet- Go over the vocabulary in the Bet book. Practiced reading in the Bet book pp50-51.
- Hey- Go over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. Chant the blessing before reading of the Haftorah. Use the website to help us chant. Review the other blessings. Asked the student which one to practice. Students took turns choosing.
- Aleph- Using the flashcards, review the names of the letters. Go over the vocabulary words that have been presented so far.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
1/11: Today in class we worked on:
- Today we began our semester learning about the Shoah (Holocaust). We began by looking at 200 years of leadership, both benevolent and despotic. We discussed different types of government and what they mean. We talked about whether a leader is important in general and to the populace. Then we talked about why we would start the semester this way. Mankind has a history of tyrants and of benevolent rulers. Their actions have caused pain and death, but also peace and security. It is important that we pay attention to what rulers are doing, if you are in a democracy, who is running for office, and how their actions will impact our society. What a great and active conversation!
- Students also joined Rabbi Prass and the rest of the school for tefillah.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Homework: If you did not finish your homework over break, please do so now. Practice reading Hebrew aloud at least 15 min a day.
- Save the date for the 7th grade Shabbat Family Dinner for Friday, January 27th, 6:15
- Save the date for the 7th grade Field Trip to the CBA food pantry, Sunday, January 29th, 12 – 2 pm
12/21: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph and Bet students met together.We played the memory game Hebrew Letter game and Hebrew Letter board game.
- Hey- Go over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. We will review the V’Havtah.
- We all had T’fillah and Pizza Dinner.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
- The CBA Winter Break schedule is:
- Sunday, December 25 - Sunday, January 8 NO Religious & Hebrew School – Winter Break
- Tuesday, January 10 - Tuesday Hebrew School Resumes
- Wednesday, January 11 - Wednesday Hebrew School Resumes
- Sunday, January 15 - Religious School Resumes
12/14: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: We continue to work on “catching-up” in the Aleph book. Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters and vocabulary words we learned in class. If there is time, we may play a memory game.
- Bet: Go over the blessings for lighting the Hanukah candles. If there is time, we will play a game.
- Hey- Go over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. We will review the V’Havtah and Hanukah blessings.
- We had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
12/8: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: We continue to work on “catching-up” in the Aleph book. Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters and vocabulary words we learned in class. If time, we may play a memory game.
- Bet: Take Aleph-Bet test. Play a game if there is time.
- Daled- Go over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. If there is time, review the other blessings. ( We did not get to this last week.)
- We had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
11/30: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: We continue to work on “catching-up” in the Aleph book. Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters and vocabulary words we learned in class. If time, we may play a memory game.
- Bet: Review the Hebrew Vowels and Hebrew Letters playing our Hebrew Letter board game.
- Daled- Go over the words for the blessing before reading the Haftorah. If there is time, review the other blessings.
- We all had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
11/16: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: We continue to work on “catching-up” in the Aleph book.
- Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: Review the Hebrew Vowels and Hebrew Letters using flash cards
- Daled- Review the blessings fr reading the Torah. Focus on the after blessing,
- We had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time. Please remember to do the homework for your class.
10/19: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: We continue to work on “catching-up” in the Aleph book. Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: Did an Aleph/Bet quiz
- Daled/Hey: Practiced blessing over the wine and bread. We also reviewed blessings before reading the Torah.
- We had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time.
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
10/12: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: Did pages in the book that have not been completed. Continue to practice and review the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: Reviewed the Hebrew letters and vowels to see what we remember. Used white boards to practice writing the letters.
- Daled/Hey: We continued to practice sounding out Hebrew words. Spent time answering, ”get to know you” questions.
- We had T’fillah today. We practiced Hebrew Through Movement words, too.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time.
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Wednesday Hebrew class.
9/28: Today in class we worked on:
- Aleph: Continue to practice and reviewed the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: Reviewed the Hebrew letters to see and played a game.
- Daled/Hey: We played a game with cards that we had to read to move along the board. The focus was sounding out Hebrew words.
- We had T’fillah today.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time.
- Please remember to do the homework for your other Hebrew class.
9/21: Today in class we worked on:
- We enjoyed an all-school t’fillah with Rabbi Prass where we heard the sound of the shofar for the month of Elul.
- Aleph: Got to know each other. Practiced and reviewed the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: We talked about what we did over the summer. Reviewed the Hebrew letters to see what we remembered and played a game.
- Daled/Hey: We played a game with cards that we had to read to move along the board.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time.
- Please remember to do the homework for your class.
9/14: Today in class we worked on:
- We enjoyed an all-school assembly with Rabbi Prass where we heard the sound of the shofar for the month of Elul.
- Aleph: Got to know each other. Practiced and reviewed the Hebrew letters learned in class.
- Bet: We talked about what we did over the summer. Reviewed the Hebrew letters to see what we remembered and played a game.
- Daled/Hey: We talked about the summer. We went over the Talit Blessing and the Torah Blessings.
- We participated in Hebrew through movement to practice new vocabulary outside with Rabbi Prass.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- We do not have any homework at this time. Please remember to do the homework for your class.