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A Message from Rabbi Bellows

Rabbi Bellows

July 21 2024/15 Tammuz 5784

Hi Friends

The last two weeks have brought about ever-increasing political unrest in our country. As Jews, we especially benefit from a democratic political system, and it is critical that each of us get involved in preserving and defending our democracy.

The RAC, the social justice arm of the Reform Movement, has put forth four non-partisan ways we can help defend democracy.

Four Ways You Can Help Defend Democracy:

  1. Last week marked the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was partially drafted in the RAC’s historic building. Read this reflection from Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner and national civil rights leaders about the progress made and the work that remains to realize the law’s full promise.
  2. As state legislatures across the country restrict access to the ballot box, urge Congress to pass the Freedom to Vote Act to protect voting rights, end partisan gerrymandering, implement campaign finance reforms, and safeguard the electoral process.
  3. Postcards to encourage Georgia voters are now available! Place your order today to ensure every Georgia voter has the chance to have their voice heard this November! Order your postcards today!
  4. Read this blog from two Reform Jewish high school students at Houston’s Congregation Emanu El, spotlighting the importance of protecting and strengthening our democracy. 

Beth Am will host a postcard-writing party next month. Please stay tuned for more programs and information with the RAC’s Defending Democracy platform.

Many Blessings, 

Rabbi Bellows