Education – Gimel Wednesday (Weiner)

5/15: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We joined the other classrooms and Rabbi Prass for T’Fillah.  Rabbi Prass talked about the recent holidays of Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) & Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day).  He also talked about how each of us should be proud of how much of our respective efforts this year.
  2. Went over the reading assessment we took over the last two weeks
  3. Played an exciting game of Jeopardy. Categories included topics we learned throughout the year including prayers, roots, letter and vowel sounds, numbers, Hebrew through Movement and more
  4. We ended the session with presenting the Morim with the annual Teacher appreciation gift.  Thank you to all the families who contributed.
  5. We also had an all-school pizza dinner to celebrate another successful semester at CBA!
  6. Thank you so much for the very generous end of year teacher gift! I have really enjoyed working with the Gimmel students this year. What a hard-working, motivated, and respectful group of students. I hope everyone has a terrific summer!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Students should pull out their Hebrew book once in a while this summer, pick a page, and practice reading to stay well prepared for Dalet in the fall.

5/8: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed the importance of quiet time or silence in our lives, and why everyone needs that balance in their day.  We also watched a video of a corner in Israel where they stopped and stood in silence for two minutes in response to the sirens being sounded in commemoration of Yom Hashoah, which occurred this past Sunday-Monday.
  2. Warmed up with a review of roots
  3. Finished our unit on the Kiddush
  4. Reviewed what the Kiddush is about and why we say it
  5. Learned about different customs when saying the Kiddush
  6. Practiced reading word parts and vocabulary connected to the Kiddush
  7. Finished our reading assessment
  8. Students from Aleph, bet, gimmel, and daled participated with other classes in Hebrew Through Movement with Rabbi Prass
  9. Students worked really hard today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 54 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Making Shabbat Holy: Students should fill in the vocabulary words.

5/1: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with a school-wide T’Fillah, led by Rabbi Prass.  He led a discussion about sharing our best ways and practices to help us focus.
  2. Warmed up with a letter/vowel review
  3. Continued working on the Kiddush
  4. Reviewed what the Kiddush means and the events we remember when we say it
  5. Discussed what holy means and ways we can add holiness to our lives
  6. Learned the root meaning remember and practiced reading words containing the root
  7. Took a reading assessment
  8. We concluded the session with an all-school Hebrew Through Movement led by our Madrich Charlie, and some of our students.
  9. Students did a terrific job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 57 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Recognizing Roots: Students should read each group of words and identify the root. Then they should write the root letters and the meaning of the root on the blank lines.

4/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we joined together for an all school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about who encourages us to try something new, what those new things are, and why it is important to try new things.  The students had lovely answers.  He spoke about why it is important to try new things like Passover food and religious experiences.
  2. Went over our letter and vowel assessment from last week
  3. Practiced our skit for our Seder
  4. Began our last unit learning about the Kiddush
  5. Learned what the Kiddush is about and practiced reading the first few lines
  6. Participated in our all school model Passover Seder. Rabbi Prass will be emailing you a video of what our class did.  I hope you have a chance to view the video.
  7. Students did a fantastic job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. No Homework. Have a wonderful holiday!


  • Sunday, April 21: We have Religious School
  • Wednesday, April 24: NO Wednesday Hebrew School
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here  

4/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began in an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass.  Rabbi Prass led a discussion about What were your reactions to the eclipse? How can we recreate the unique factor in the eclipse?  Why do we need to recreate these unique moments?  The learners had some wonderful answers.  We then pointed out that our Jewish calendar and stopping for moments of t’fillah help mark unique moments.
  2. Warmed up with a review of the “kh” and “k” letters.
  3. Continued learning about Passover.
  4. Reviewed the Passover story and practiced reading vocabulary.
  5. Finished preparing our skit for our upcoming Passover Seder
  6. Practiced chanting the Four Questions
  7. Took a letter and vowel assessment
  8. Bet & Gimmel classes joined together to review the Four Questions and Hebrew Through Movement.  If your student is going to be singing the Four Questions at your seder, encourage them to do it b’Ivrit (in Hebrew).
  9. Students did a terrific job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Students should complete the new transliteration worksheet they brought home today to reinforce the work we did on the Four Questions.

4/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary led by Rabbi Prass.  He pointed out that most families have that someone that repeats stories over and over.  He then led us in a discussion about Why is THAT family story, being told over and over, a good thing?  And why is that family story, something that strengthens you?  The learners had lovely responses including that the main reason we need to appreciate these stories is because they usually contain a lesson that we need to internalize. We then saw how the last section of the kedusha prayer spoke about telling of God’s greatness.
  2. Warmed up with a review of look-alike letters.
  3. Continued learning about Passover.
  4. Practiced reading Passover vocabulary and blessings.
  5. Continued working on reading the Four Questions
  6. Started preparing a skit for our upcoming Passover Seder which we will share with the entire school on April 17th.
  7. Bet & Gimmel Students participated in Hebrew Through Movement led by our Madrich Charlie. We added some new words connected to our next holiday of Pesach.
  8. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Students should complete the transliteration worksheet they brought home today to reinforce the work we did on the Four Questions.

3/20: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with an all-school T’Fillah led by Rabbi Prass.  We talked about why we need “collective wins” and how we feel with ‘personal wins’.  Then we talked about the story of Purim is both a collective win for the Jewish people and a personal win for Mordechai and Esther.
  2. Warmed up with a review of special reading rules
  3. Reviewed what holiday blessings are
  4. Practiced reading blessings for Purim and Passover
  5. Began working on reading the Four Questions
  6. Participated in a variety of reading activities as we practiced
  7. Students read from the Megillah in front of the whole school.  The megillah has no vowels just like the Torah! They did so awesome while performing the Mitzvah!   You can watch them on the CBA YouTube channel by clicking here    
  8. Students did a fantastic job reading!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. No Homework. Have a wonderful spring break!


  • March 24- March 31: CBA Religious School & Hebrew School Spring Break
  • April 3: Wednesday Hebrew School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

3/13: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary with Rabbi Prass.  Rabbi Prass led a short discussion about “In what ways does silence makes you feel good/positive?” and “In what was does silence make you feel challenged?”  Then we talked about how each t’fillah has a silent moment for private prayer.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed what the Mi Khamokha means
  4. Practiced reading the Mi Khamokha
  5. Learned where in the Torah we find the Mi Khamokha
  6. Reviewed all the roots we have learned and practiced reading words containing these roots
  7. Learned the prefixes meaning in and the and practiced translating words with these prefixes
  8. Practiced reading lines from the siddur
  9. Aleph, bet, gimel, daled learners met with Rabbi Prass, who lead them thru a “dress” rehearsal of reading their words from the actual Megillah.  Next week we will record their reading and share it out.
  10. Students worked hard today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 31 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Recognizing the Root (Top of the page): Read each phrase and find the word built on the root meaning holy. Write the word on the line.

3/6: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary led by Rabbi Prass.  He asked the students “how can you make someone feel special?” and “Why should you make someone feel special?”  The students had lovely answers.  Then we connected this to the kedusha prayer, how we can remind God, how God is special, and God needs us.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Began our next unit learning about the Mi Khamokha
  4. Had a fun discussion about miracles
  5. Learned why we say the Mi Khamokha and what it means
  6. Learned vocabulary from the prayer
  7. Made connections between Mi Khamokha and Passover
  8. Also learned how the Maccabees are connected to Mi Khamokha
  9. Practiced reading the Mi Khamokha
  10. On Wednesday, March 20, the school will be reading words from the actual Megillah scroll. Your gimmel students were assigned 3 words each, to read. Have them practice their word each day, and they will be ready to read.
  11. Aleph, Bet, Gimmel students spent time with Rabbi Prass. Rabbi showed the students a slideshow of artwork that has been done in Israel since 10/7/23. There was some very nice insight by the students.
  12. Students did a fantastic job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activities listed below on page 28 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. A Song of Praise: Write the words of Mi Khamokha in order. Read the prayer once complete.
  3. Mmmm: Cross out letters that do not make the “m” sound.
  4. practice reading your Megillah words in the yellow packet provided

2/28: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary with Rabbi Prass.   He led a discussion on things that ‘lift us up.’  Then we looked at the line in the kedusha prayer “kadosh, kadosh, kadosh” which has us act like the angels, lifting us higher, closer to God’s throne.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Finished our unit on the V’ahavta
  4. Reviewed what the V’ahavta means
  5. Read the last few lines of the V’ahavta with different reading activities
  6. Learned where in the Torah we find the V’ahavta
  7. Played V’ahavta Bingo to practice the words from the V’ahavta
  8. Alef, Bet, Gimmel students joined our Madrich Charlie for Hebrew through movement, adding on new words.
  9. Students worked hard today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 24 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Reading Rule (Page 24): Students should write the sound of each letter at the top of the page. In the middle, students should practice reading each word part and then put the parts together to read the whole word.

2/21: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about the reality that we all have felt ‘low’ at least point in our lives.  Then we shared someone who has helped lift us up.  Then Rabbi Prass pointed out that in our prayer Gevurot, it praises God for being the source/inspiration for lifting up “those who sleep in the dust.” The students contributed some interesting answers.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Continued working on the V’ahavta
  4. Reviewed what it means and why we say it
  5. Learned what Talmud Torah is and had a great discussion about mitzvot
  6. Worked on translating words by learning what it means when a word starts with הַ and what it means when a word ends with ךָ
  7. Read the next few lines of the V’ahavta
  8. Played games to practice words from the V’ahavta
  9. Aleph, Bet, Gimmel students joined with Madrich Charlie in Hebrew thru Movement.
  10. Students did a terrific job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 26 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. ךָ Ending (Top of the page): Students should first write the ךָ at the end of each word. They should then practice reading each word by splitting the longer words into parts and sounding them out one part at a time.

2/14:Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended an all-school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He talked asked all of us to share a strength we all admire/aspire to and why.  The students contributed some interesting answers.  Then we talked about how the prayer Gevurot talks about God’s strength in helping others.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the Shema and began our next unit on the V’ahavta
  4. Walked around the synagogue, looked at different mezzuzot, and discussed what is in them and how they are placed on the door
  5. Learned what the V’ahavta means and why we say it
  6. Learned vocabulary from the V’ahavta
  7. Practiced reading the first three lines of the V’ahavta
  8. Reviewed the roots we have studied, learned a new root meaning love, and practiced reading words with this root
  9. Alef, Bet, and Gimmel students joined Rabbi Prass and Madrich Charlie, leading Hebrew through movement and adding on even more words.  They also had a chance for a Hebrew debate using the word of the week: מַחֲצִית הוֹפָעַת [Ho-fa-at ma-cha-tzit] (Halftime show). Each student was invited to stand up and tell us their favorite מַחֲצִית הוֹפָעַת.
  10. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activity listed below on page 27 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Recognizing the Root (Top of the page): Students should add the root meaning love to each word and then read the new word created.

2/7: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. He talked about who/what makes us feel protected, why that is such a special feeling, and how we feel when we don’t feel protected.  Then we looked at the last line of the Avot v’imahot which Blesses God for the being the “Shield of Abraham and Help of Sarah”
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the meaning of the Shema
  4. Learned the vocabulary for the second line of the Shema
  5. Discussed the history of the second line of the Shema
  6. Practiced reading the second line of the Shema
  7. Learned why two letters in the Shema are written larger than the other letters in the Torah and what word they make when put together
  8. Had a great discussion about what it means to have a “good name”
  9. Reviewed the roots we have learned and practiced reading words with the root meaning ruler
  10. Aleph, Bet, and Gimmel joined together for our weekly round of “Hebrew Through Movement” led by Moreh Charlie where we keep adding in new words each week, including the word of the week, “אַלּוּפִים /Champion” where we debated who/what would be the אַלּוּפִים at the Super Bowl (halftime, 49ers, vs Chiefs, vs the food)
  11. Students worked really hard today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activities listed below on page 19 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Sssh (Page 19): Students should make letter vowel combinations with the letters Alef and Ayin and then read the combinations they make.
  3. Reading Rule (Page 19): Students should practice reading the word parts and then the entire words containing the letter Heh.

1/31: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before we went to our classroom, we attended an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed what it means to know someone who has a WOW Factor, and how God is the ultimate example of one having a Wow Factor in our prayer, Avot V’imahot
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the difference between Sin and Shin and practiced reading words with these letters
  4. Began our next unit learning all about the Shema
  5. Had a great discussion about the meaning of the Shema and why we say it
  6. Practiced Shema vocabulary
  7. Read and sang the Shema
  8. Aleph, Bet, Gimmel students did Hebrew through movement with Charlie. Today, the students learned some colors and placement words.
  9. Students did a fantastic job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. To reinforce what we did in class, students should complete the activities listed below in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Family Letters (Page 18): Students should read the words at the top of the page. In the middle, students should make each letter into a Shin or a Sin and then practice reading the words. At the bottom, students should try reading the tongue twisters.

1/24: Today in class we worked on:

  1. At the beginning of the session, we attended an all-school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about who has our back and what it feels like to have someone’s back.  This led us to see how the opening lines of the avot v’imahot talk about God having our back due to the individual relationship God has with our ancestors and us. It was a very interesting conversation.
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Finished our unit on Yotzair Or and Ma’ariv Aravim
  4. Reviewed the meaning of each prayer
  5. Practiced reading the prayers
  6. Learned what a “double-duty” dot is and practiced reading it
  7. Learned about the blessings before the Shema
  8. Had a great discussion about the Torah
  9. Participated in a variety of reading activities
  10. The aleph, bet, gimmel classes joined together for our weekly round of Hebrew Through Motion, led by Charlie, where we continue to add on Hebrew words for trees in preparation for Tu Bishvat
  11. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on page 11 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Reading Rule: Students should rewrite the words combining the two dots into one. Then students should read lines 1-4.
  3. Siddur Phrases: Students should read the phrases, circle the “double-duty” dot, and answer the question in the blue box.

1/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We talked about times “When I a time you have not been able/allowed to speak? And “What bothered you about that?  How did that feel?”  That was our segue into the first prayer, ‘adonai sifatai” God open up my lips. 
  2. Warmed up with a review of five Hebrew letters and vowels 
  3. Reviewed what Ma’ariv Aravim means and practiced reading it 
  4. Learned the root for evening and practiced reading words containing this root 
  5. Began learning about Yotzair Or including what it means and why we say it
  6. Practiced vocabulary from Yotzair Or with a variety of activities
  7. Read Yotzair Or individually and together 
  8. Aleph, bet, Gimmel classes participated in Hebrew thru Movement, led by Rabbi Prass, where we added on Hebrew words for trees in preparation for Tu Bishvat.  
  9. Students did a terrific job today!

Homework to be completed by next class: 

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on page 10 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer
  2. Recognizing the Root: Students should write the word erev in Hebrew on each of the lines and then read each phrase they have made.
  3. As Evening Falls: Students should answer each of the holiday questions. They should write the answers in English.

12/20: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass.  We talked about the success of the Israel Art Fair CBA co-sponsored and how we helped them. We also talked about ways we can bring light during these days of less sunlight.
  2. Went over our letter/vowel assessments from last week and warmed up with a review of commonly missed letters
  3. Began our next unit learning about the Ma’ariv Aravim prayer
  4. Learned when and why we say Ma’ariv Aravim
  5. Practiced vocabulary from the prayer
  6. Read the Ma’ariv Aravim prayer with a variety of reading activities
  7. The students enjoyed being together with an all-school pizza dinner.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)! See you back on Wednesday, January 17th.
  9. Have a wonderful Winter break and a Happy New Year!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Review the Hebrew letters
  2. Practice reading Hebrew a little


  • December 24th: CBA Religious School & Hebrew School Winter Break Begins
  • January 14th: Religious School Resumes
  • January 17th: Wednesday Hebrew School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

12/13: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We also lit the Chanukah candles and discussed miracles that happen in our lives.
  2. Warmed up with a review of all the Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Learned all about Havdalah including what it means and why we celebrate
  4. Talked about the Havdalah blessings including what they mean
  5. Practiced saying the blessings using a Havdalah kit
  6. Took a letter/vowel assessment
  7. Aleph, Bet, and Gimmel students were able to enjoy Hebrew thru Movement led by Madrich Charlie.
  8. Students worked really hard today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on page 41 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Saying Goodbye to Shabbat (Page 41): Students should use page 75 in their textbooks as a reference to help complete the Havdalah activities.

12/6: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah in the sanctuary, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. Hailey H and Ashley B. helped lead. We also talked about two things going on Israel: The first was the good news of how many hostages have been released, AND the work of how many hostages still need to be released.  Secondly, we also watched a video about, sufganiyot, the special Chanukah jelly doughnuts. That was a delicious experience!
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Discussed the miracles of Hanukkah
  4. Learned prayer vocabulary
  5. Reviewed the Shehecheyanu including what it means and when we say it
  6. Brainstormed many times we say the Shehecheyanu
  7. Practiced reading the Hanukkah Blessings individually and together
  8. Played Bingo to practice the words from the blessings
  9. The last ten minutes of class were spent playing “Hebrew Through Movement.” Kitot aleph, bet, and gimmel joined together and were led by Charlie. Several of our students were able to lead the group in this activity today.
  10. The students did a fantastic job today.

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should practice the Hanukkah Blessings using the worksheet they brought home today.
  2. Happy Hanukkah!

11/29: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass.  We discussed the recent ‘better’ news coming out of Israel regarding the hostages being released.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels and reviewed the reading rule when a word ends with “ach”
  3. Continued learning Shabbat blessings for the wine and challah
  4. Learned about different mitzvot including welcoming guests
  5. Practiced reading and translating the Hanukkah Blessings
  6. Aleph, Bet, and gimmel students participated in Hebrew through Movement led by our madrich Charlie.
  7. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on pages 50 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Reading Rule (Page 50): Students should fill in the missing letter at the end of each word and then practice reading the words.

11/15: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass.  We talked about the Rally for Israel in Washington DC ( ) where Rabbi Prass and 5 other members of CBA attended in person.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Started our next unit on Shabbat blessings
  4. Learned the blessings for candles, wine, and bread including what the blessings mean and why we say them
  5. Practiced prayer vocabulary
  6. Learned why we light at least two candles on Shabbat
  7. Discussed all the different candles we light and the blessings for them
  8. We ended the day with an all-school Hebrew thru Movement led by Charlie.
  9. Students did a terrific job today!
  10. I really enjoyed meeting our parents yesterday.  Thank you for coming.

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on pages 40 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Welcoming Shabbat (Page 40): Fill in the missing words for each blessing and then say each blessing.

11/8: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. As part of the t’fillah, we read the English translation of a new song ( written about Israel’s current situation and watched a video showing how Israelis from all walks of life are helping the soldiers and others who are in need.  Ask your student about the song.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the 10 words blessings of mitzvah begin with
  4. Learned two new roots including the root meaning holy and the root meaning command
  5. Practiced reading and translating many words with these roots
  6. Learned the reading rules for the letter vav and used these rules to practice reading
  7. Played Around the World to reinforce the vocabulary we practiced today
  8. Students worked really hard today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on page 38 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Siddur Phrases (Page 38): Practice reading the phrases.
  3. Recognizing the Root (Page 38): Circle the root in each word and then write the word.

11/1: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Participated in Tefillah with our entire school community.  In connection to the bakasha (intermediary prayer) for Peace in Jerusalem, Rabbi Prass led us in a conversation about who are people we prayer for, and who do we prayer for in Israel.  The learners had beautiful answers.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Went over our letter/vowel assessment from last week
  4. Continued working on reading the Birkat HaMazon
  5. Played Birkat HaMazon Bingo to practice the words
  6. Began learning about the blessings of mitzvah
  7. Had a great discussion about mitzvot we do every day
  8. Practiced reading the 10 words these blessings start with and learned what the words mean
  9. Gimmel, Daled, and Hey Participated in Hebrew Through Movement with Rabbi Prass by doing yoga in Hebrew
  10. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students should complete the activities listed below on pages 36 and 37 in their workbook, The New Hebrew Through Prayer.
  2. Blessings of Mitzvah (Page 36): Write the 10 words that begin a blessing of mitzvah and then read the words.

10/25: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with Tefillah and several videos of Israeli soldiers commenting about how happy they were to receive notes from our CBA Students. 
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the blessings over foods we eat
  4. Learned all about the Birkat HaMazon including what it means and why we say it
  5. Practiced reading the Birkat HaMazon with a variety of reading activities
  6. Took a letter/vowel assessment
  7. We then met Rabbi Prass and Charlie to study “Hebrew thru Movement” with kitah daled and hey. Several students had the opportunity to lead the group in Hebrew. We always enjoy this activity!
  8. Students worked really hard today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students received their Hebrew workbooks, The New Hebrew Through Prayer. These workbooks should be brought back and forth to class each week. Students should complete the activities listed below on page 36 in their workbook.
  2. Make Believe (Page 36): Read each word and write the sound alike word next to the Hebrew word.
  3. Letters into Words (Page 36): Read the words and circle the word meaning fruit.

10/18: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. As part of t’fillah, we discussed the situation in Israel, and the students expressed some interesting opinions and asked several excellent questions.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed the six words that most blessings start with
  4. Learned and practiced the blessings for many different foods we eat
  5. Talked about the root meaning ruler and practiced reading words built on this root
  6. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah daled and hey class and Rabbi Prass and Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  7. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students brought home a worksheet to complete reinforcing the practice we did with the root meaning ruler. Students should circle the root letters and practice reading the words. Students should then practice the blessings at the bottom of the page.

10/11: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day started with our weekly T’fillah which including Rabbi Prass leading a discussion on the the events in Israel. Our students contributed some very sophisticated ideas stressing the need for peace between all people. At the end of the t’fillah we sang hatikvah.  We also made a video which is posted (  or ) so that Israelis know they are not alone.  In the video each learner was able to say, “My prayer for Israel is……….”
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Began our next unit on blessings
  4. Learned the meaning of the six words that most blessings start with
  5. Practiced reciting our own blessings
  6. Reviewed the root meaning bless and learned the root meaning faith
  7. Practiced reading different blessings
  8. Students worked really hard today!
  9.           At the end of the day, the entire Hebrew school gathered to taste an Etrog. Why? Because every year a handful of learners ask “What does it taste like?” So now that the holiday is over, we sliced it up, and asked for a representative from each class to sample it: Here is the video of it:    

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students brought home a worksheet to complete reinforcing the practice we did with the six words that start a blessing. Students should fill in the missing words and then practice reading the words. Students should then write their own blessing.

10/4: Today in class we worked on:

  1. .  We discussed times we personally have celebrated in the last week, and how we Jews have so many celebrations this month.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Took turns being leader reciting the Barkhu
  4. Learned the different ways G-d’s name is written
  5. Found examples of the different ways in our books and in the Siddur
  6. Practiced reading with a variety of activities
  7. Went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass and also had the opportunity to shake the lulav and etrog
  8. Students did a great job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students brought home a worksheet to complete reinforcing the practice we did with the Barkhu today. Students should fill in the missing words and then practice reading the Barkhu.

9/27: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with a community-wide Tefilla. Rabbi Prass led t’fillah and a discussion about what was one Jewish thing we did between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Reviewed what the Barkhu is and why we say it
  4. Learned what a Hebrew root is and learned the root meaning bless
  5. Practiced reading and translating words with this root
  6. Reviewed final letters and practiced reading words with final letters
  7. Both kitah gimmel and kitah daled went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass
  8. Students did a terrific job today!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Students brought home a worksheet to complete reinforcing the practice we did with roots today.

9/20 Today in class we worked on:

  1. Played icebreaker games to get to know each other
  2. Warmed up with a review of 5 Hebrew letters and vowels
  3. Looked through the textbook we will be using
  1. Began our first unit learning all about the Barkhu
  2. Learned Barkhu prayer vocabulary with a variety of activities
  3. We had a terrific first day!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. No homework this week.
  2. Beginning next session, students will be assigned a workbook page to complete to reinforce what we did in class. This should take between 5-10 minutes to complete. If it ever takes longer, please have your student stop working and we will complete it together in class.