Daled – Fourth Year – Wednesday (Fox)

10/9: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began in an all-school t’fillah with Rabbi Prass during which we honored the memories of the 1200 people killed in the Hamas terror attack in Israel on Oct 7, 2023 and prayed for the release of the 100+ hostages still being held in Gaza.  We listened to songs of hope, emphasizing the resilience of the Jewish people.
  2. Students worked on Alef -Bet quiz
  3. Began G’vurah lesson discussion on G-d’s power
  4. Ended with an art project creating Israel’s national flower which blooms this time of year.

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Practice reading the G’vurot in Lesson 2

9/25: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had an all school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass.  We discussed What is something precious you were given? And how do you ‘handle it differently’ knowing it is precious? Why is Jewish prayer/t’fillah a gift? We also heard the shofar in celebration of the Jewish month of Elul.
  2. Reviewed: What we do in the synagogue (page 8, & 9) for the Amidah. How do we stand, where do we face, etc. Discussed the number blessings and names of the prayer. (Shamonah Esray, T’fillah, Avot V’Emaot) 18 blessings, 19 on weekdays, 7 on Shabbat and holidays, the first, third and last always the same.
  3. We did pages 10 – 15 together.
  4. Gimmel & Daled went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. prepare for Test:
  2. page 16 next week….students need to review
  3. finish pages 10 – 15 if you didn’t finish in class.

9/18: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Participated in an all-school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass.  We shared ‘noises’ that distract us and things that help us quiet and focus our brains.  We talked about how t’fillah is one Jewish language/tool for quieting and focus.
  2. Shared students’ family trees and spoke about interesting backgrounds in their respective families. What did they learn talking to parents and grandparents? Were they able to go far backing family history?
  3. Worked on reviewed vocabulary (Pages 6 & 7) of our patriarchs and matriarchs.
  4. Discussion of how this prayer is the center of the service. How we stand for this prayer and the movement we do. What does it mean to you as a Jewish boy? (Pages 8&9)
  5. Gimmel & Daled went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass and hearing the sounds of the shofar for Elul.
  6. Ended class with a word game in Hebrew

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Homework Page 10 due next week

9/11: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began with an all-school assembly.  The 2 older grades (daled & hey) shared 3 things that are helpful to learn Hebrew and 3 things that used to make them nervous about learning Hebrew.  We also lit a yizkor candle to remember the victims of 9/11.  We also sounded the shofar in celebration of this month of Elul.
  2. Getting to know you games such as :
    • 2Truths and a Lie ,
    • Give yourself a compliment, and
    • How does it feel getting back to Hebrew school?
  3. Started Avot V’Emaot prayer. This is the first part of the Amidah. Students read in Hebrew and English.
  4. Worked on pages 6&7 in the text book.
  5. Discussed expectations for class, bringing their book, homework, supplies, etc.
  6. Introduced and drafted our Family Tree
  7. We ended the session with all school assembly to do Hebrew Thru Movement.  Our kitah hey students helped lead it.  Parents were invited for this first session so they could meet the teachers. It was great to see so many parents and to have perfect attendance at Hebrew school!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Students are to work on their Family Tree which will be presented in class next week. They also may work on this with you and use technology to help set it up. They might need your help with grandparents. Go back as far as you are able to.
  2. It was a pleasure to meet your children today!