Education – Aleph Tuesday (Kaufman)

5/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We joined the other classrooms and Rabbi Prass for T’Fillah.  Rabbi Prass talked about the recent holidays of Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s memorial Day) & Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day).  He also talked about how each of us should be proud of how much of our respective efforts this year.
  2. We reviewed all past Key Words on page 95 Pictionary List-covering the pictures to only see the words.
  3. We played Hebrew Hangman with the Hebrew Key Words we have covered this year.
  4. We ended the session with presenting the Morim with the annual Teacher appreciation gift.  Thank you to all the families who contributed.
  5. We also had an all school pizza dinner to celebrate another successful semester at CBA!
  6. Lihitaot (good-bye)! 

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Keep reviewing with the Aleph Bet App for all the learning we did in class.
  3. Have a great summer!

5/7: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed the importance of quiet time or silence in our lives, and why everyone needs that balance in their day.  We also watched a video of a corner in Israel where they stopped and stood in silence for two minutes in response to the sirens being sounded in commemoration of Yom Hashoah, which occurred this past Sunday-Monday.
  2. Students and I went over the evaluations from last week. They stay at Beth Am. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words. We also reviewed all the Hebrew “rules” and “hints”.  
  3. We played Hebrew Hangman with the Key Words we have covered this year.
  4. Students participated with other classes in Hebrew Through Movement with Rabbi Prass and Charlie.
  5. Lihitaot (good-bye)!  

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Keep reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.

4/30: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with a school wide T’Fillah, led by Rabbi Prass.  He led a discussion about sharing our best ways and practices to help us focus.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 92.
  3. Today students took an End of the Year evaluation. I will be going over these next week with the students. There is no letter grade for these. It will show me, Rabbi Prass and you your child’s strengths and weaknesses might be in Hebrew.
  4. We concluded the session with an all school Hebrew Through Movement led by Rabbi Prass, our Madrich Charlie, and some of our students.
  5. Lihitaot (good-bye)!  

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Keep reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.

4/16: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we joined together for an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about who encourages us to try something new, what those new things are, and why it is important to try new things.  The students had lovely answers.  He spoke about why it is important to try new things like Passover food and religious experiences.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and keywords in the yellow box on page 92. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Students took an Aleph- Bet Quiz. It is the same one we took before with more Hebrew letters and vowel “saying sounds” we have covered since then. I will grade and go through them with the students, when we return to class.
  4. We performed our Passover 4- Questions in front of the other classrooms. The students did an amazing job and I am very proud of them. Rabbi Prass will be emailing you a video of what our class did.  I hope you have a chance to view the video.
  5. Lihitaot (good-bye)! Happy Passover enjoy your Seders!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flash card container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Keep reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Keywords with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  5. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 


  • Sunday, April 21: We have Religious School
  • Tuesday, April 23: NO Tuesday Hebrew School – 1st Day Pesach
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here  

4/9: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began in an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass.  Rabbi Prass led a discussion about What were your reactions to the eclipse? How can we recreate the unique factor in the eclipse?  Why do we need to recreate these unique moments?  The learners had some wonderful answers.  We then pointed out that our Jewish calendar and stopping for moments of t’fillah help mark unique moments.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and keywords in the yellow box on page 87. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class started lesson 19 Hebrew vowel combination AH+O with the “saying sound” O.                  
  4. Students read about the Vowel Hint page 87 on the vowel and the exception rule.  Made flashcards for keywords MOSHE ( Moses) and TZOHARAYIM ( afternoon).
  5. Students worked at writing out letters and words on page 89.
  6. We read Aloud pages 88-89. They also worked with partners on the “Sound Check” on page 88 and page 90 “ Super Reading Secret”.
  7. We practiced the Passover 4- Questions. The students will recite and perform them at our All- School Model Seder on April 16 next week.
  8. We finished the day by joining the other Hebrew classes to review the four questions and Hebrew Through Movement.  If your student is going to be singing the Four Questions at your seder, encourage them to do it b’Ivrit (in Hebrew).
  9. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Start reviewing the 4- Questions for the Passover Seder.
  3. Keep reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, keywords with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  4. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 

4/2: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary led by Rabbi Prass.  He pointed out that most families have that someone that repeats stories over and over.  He then led us in a discussion about Why is THAT family story, being told over and over, a good thing?  And why is that family story, something that strengthens you?  The learners had lovely responses including that the main reason we need to appreciate these stories is because they usually contain a lesson that we need to internalize. We then saw how the last section of the kedusha prayer spoke about telling of God’s greatness.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 82. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class started lesson 18 Hebrew letters FAY and FINAL FAY both with the “saying sounds “F”  and vowel AHV.      
  4. Students read about the Vowel Hint page 82 on the vowel AHV.  Made flashcards for key words ALEPH and SHOFAR.
  5. Students worked at writing out letters and words  on page 83.
  6. We read Aloud pages 83-84. They also worked with partners on the “write” letter on page 83 and page 86 Word Search.
  7. We started to practice the Passover 4- Questions . The students will recite and perform them at our All- School Model Seder on April 16th.
  8. The entire school finished the day with Rabbi Prass, and Hebrew through movement.  We added some new words connected to our next holiday of Pesach.
  9. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Start reviewing the 4- Questions for the Passover Seder.
  4. Keep reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  5. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 

3/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with an all-school T’Fillah led by Rabbi Prass.  We talked about why we need “collective wins” and how we feel with ‘personal wins’.  Then we talked about the story of Purim is both a collective win for the Jewish people and a personal win for Mordechai and Esther.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 82. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class started to review past lessons one-seventeen with all Hebrew letters and vowels with their “saying sounds”.
  4. Students reviewed “flashcards and saying sounds” with partners.
  5. Students played “around the world” with the Pictionary section page 95 with all the Key words.
  6. We played Hebrew Hangman using the Hebrew Key words learned in class. The students had so much fun.
  7. Students read from the Megillah in front of the whole school.  The megillah has no vowels just like the Torah! They did so awesome while performing the Mitzvah!   You can watch them on the CBA YouTube channel by clicking here ( ).
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Review your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  5. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 


  • March 24- March 31: CBA Religious School & Hebrew School Spring Break
  • April 2: Tuesday Hebrew School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here

3/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1.  Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary with Rabbi Prass.  Rabbi Prass led a short discussion about “In what ways does silence makes you feel good/positive?” and “In what was does silence make you feel challenged?”  Then we talked about how each t’fillah has a silent moment for private prayer.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 82. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class started to review past lessons one-seventeen with all Hebrew letters and vowels with their “saying sounds”.
  4. Students reviewed “flashcards and saying sounds” with partners.
  5. Students played “ around the world” with the Pictionary section page 95 with all the Key words.
  6. Students practiced reciting their Hebrew word, without any vowels from the Megillah. They will all perform the Mitzvah next week by reading from an actual Megillah in front of the school.
  7. The entire school finished the day with Rabbi Prass, who lead all of the students through “dress” rehearsal of reading their words from the actual Megillah.  Next week we will record their reading and share it out.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  3. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 

3/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary led by Rabbi Prass.  He asked the students “how can you make someone feel special?” and “Why should you make someone feel special?”  The students had lovely answers.  Then we connected this to the kedusha prayer, how we can remind God, how God is special, and God needs us.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 78. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class read “ letter-vowel hint “ rule on page 78.
  4. Students read Aloud page 79 playing the “favorite’s game” using their pointer finger.
  5. Students wrote out letters, vowels and words on page 79. Read “Super Reading Secret” on page 81.
  6. Students with a partner worked on page 80 “Sound check” and “Rock, Paper, Scissors”.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 17 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made keyword flashcards on CHAG SAMEACH (Happy Holidays), and MITZVOT(Commandment). 
  9. On Tuesday, March 19, the school will be reading words from the actual Megillah scroll. Your aleph students were assigned one word, each, to read. Have them practice their word each day, and they will be ready to read.
  10. The students finished the day with Rabbi Prass. Rabbi showed the students a slideshow of artwork that has been done in Israel since 10/7/23. There was some very nice insight by the students.
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.

2/27: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we began with an all-school t’fillah in the sanctuary with Rabbi Prass.   He led a discussion on things that ‘lift us up.’  Then we looked at the line in the kedusha prayer “kadosh, kadosh, kadosh” which has us act like the angels, lifting us higher, closer to God’s throne.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and keywords in the yellow box on page 72. Circling the ones we don’t know.
  3. Our class started to review past lessons one-sixteen with all Hebrew letters and vowels with their “saying sounds”.                    
  4. Students reviewed “flashcards and saying sounds” with partners.
  5. Students played “ around the world” with the Pictionary section page 95 with all the Key words.
  6. Students took their Hebrew names and the Hebrew letters and wrote on Die Cuts of Hebrew letters.
  7. The students finished the day with Rabbi Prass, and Hebrew through movement, adding on new words.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  5. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 

2/20: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about the reality that we all have felt ‘low’ at least point in our lives.  Then we shared someone who has helped lift us up.  Then Rabbi Prass pointed out that in our prayer Gevurot, it praises God for being the source/inspiration for lifting up “those who sleep in the dust.” The students contributed some interesting answers including how valuable their pets are as a foil to talk to.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and keywords in the yellow box on page 72.
  3. Our class started to review past lessons one-sixteen with all Hebrew letters and vowels with their “saying sounds”.
  4. Students practiced writing their Hebrew Names with letters and vowels.
  5. Students played “Amazing Race” with partners.
  6. Lastly, we joined the entire school to play Hebrew Through Motion (HTM). Today’s session was so interesting because Rabbi connected the (HTM) based on everything the students did while wearing a Tallit.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words with their “saying sounds” we have covered so far.
  2. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 

2/13: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended an all-school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He talked asked all of us to share a strength we all admire/aspire to and why.  The students contributed some interesting answers.  Then we talked about how the prayer Gevurot talks about God’s strength of helping others.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and keywords in the yellow box on page 72.
  3. Our class started lesson sixteen with the Hebrew letters NUN and FINAL NUN with the “saying sound” is N and with vowel “EH”
  4. We read ALOUD pages 72-74 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We read the Vowel Hint on page 74 about the “vowel EH” rule combination.
  6. Students practiced writing letters/words page 75.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 16 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made key word flashcards on YAH-YEEN (wine), NER (singular-1 candle). 
  9. Students worked on “Do Sound Off “ page 73 and “Odd Letter Out” page 74.
  10. Finally, we joined all the other classes to play Hebrew Through Movement and adding on even more words.
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD page 72-74 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  3. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 77.  

2/6: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before class started, we attended Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. He talked about who/what makes us feel protected, why that is such a special feeling, and how we feel when we don’t feel protected.  Then we looked at the last line of the Avot v’imahot which Blesses God for being the “Shield of Abraham and Help of Sarah”
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and key words in the yellow box on page 68.
  3. Our class started lesson fifteen with the Hebrew letter PEY with the “saying sound” is P and with vowel “EYE”                 
  4. We read ALOUD page 69-70 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We read the Vowel Hint on page 68 about the “vowel EYE and YUD” rule combination.
  6. Students practiced writing letters/words page 70.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 15 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made key word flashcards on CHAI (life or live), MISH-PA-KHA (family).
  9. Students worked on “The Write Letter” page 69.
  10. We concluded the session with all the students joined together for our weekly round of “Hebrew Through Movement” where we keep adding in new words each week.
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  3. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD page 69-70 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  4. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 71.  

1/30: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Before we went to our classroom, we attended an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed what it means to know someone who has a WOW Factor, and how God is the ultimate example of one having a Wow Factor in our prayer, Avot V’imahot
  2. We went over the Aleph-Bet Quiz from last week.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 64.
  4. Our class started lesson fourteen with Hebrew letters CHET, FINAL CHAF, and CHAF all with the “saying sound” is CH.
  5. We read ALOUD page 65 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We read the Vowel Hint on page 64 about the “Final Chaf” rule is the only final letter always followed by a vowel.
  7. Students practiced writing letters/words page 66.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 14 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made key word flashcards on CHALLAH (challah), BRACHAH (blessing) and MEH-LEHK (king). 
  10. Students worked on “sound check” page 67.
  11. We concluded the day with an all-school “Hebrew Through Motion” led by Rabbi Prass
  12. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD page 65 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  3. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 67.  

1/23: Today in class we worked on:

  1. At the beginning of the session, we attended an all school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Prass. He led a discussion about who has our back and what it feels like to have someone’s back.  This led us to see how the opening lines of the avot v’imahot talk about God having our back due to the individual relationship God has with our ancestors and us. It was a very interesting conversation.
  2. Students took today an Aleph-Bet Quiz on Hebrew letters and vowels. I will be sending the results home today for you to see them and get a signature.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 59.
  4. Our class started lesson thirteen with Hebrew letter ZAYIN “saying sound” is Z.
  5. We read ALOUD page 60-61 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We worked on It’s Match page 60 and Sound Advice on page 61 together with a partner.
  7. We read the Vowel Hint on page 59 and I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 62.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 13 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made key word flashcards on HALLELUYAH (praise G-D), MEZUZAH (doorpost). 
  10. Students helped “each other” with playing Hebrew flashcards games.
  11. Students finished Rhyme Time on page 62 and Stop and Go on page 63.
  12. All the classes joined together for our weekly round of Hebrew Through Motion, led by Charlie, where we continue to add on Hebrew words for trees in preparation for Tu Bishvat

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 60-61 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  3. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 63.  

1/16: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We talked about times “When I a time you have not been able/allowed to speak? And “What bothered you about that?  How did that feel?”  That was our segue into the first prayer, ‘adonai sifatai” God open up my lips.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box on page 54.
  3. Our class started lesson twelve with Hebrew letters KAF and KOOF “saying sound” is K for both and vowels OO.            
  4. We read ALOUD page 55-56 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We worked on Hidden Picture page 54 and Sound Check on page 55 together with a partner.
  6. We read the Vowel Hint on page 56 and I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 57.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 12 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made key word flashcards on KIDDUSH (Kiddush), SUKKAH (sukkah). 
  9. Students helped “each other” with playing Hebrew flashcards games.
  10. Students finished Decorate the Sukkah on page 57 and Odd Letter Out on page 58.
  11. We finished the day with all school Hebrew thru Movement, led by Rabbi Prass, where we added on Hebrew words for trees in preparation for Tu Bishvat.
  12. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 55-56 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  3. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 58. 

12/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass.  We talked about the success of the Israel Art Fair CBA co-sponsored and how we helped them. We also talked about ways we can bring light during these days of less sunlight.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and keywords in the yellow box and read the Vowel Hint Rule on page 50.
  3. Our class started lesson eleven with Hebrew letters SIN and SAMECH “saying sound” is S for both and vowel AY or EH (..).     
  4. We read ALOUD page 51-52 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We read the Vowel hint on page 50.
  6. We worked on page 51 “the Write Letter” together with a partner.
  7. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 52.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 11 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made keyword flashcards on SABA (grandfather), SAVTA(grandmother) and ISRAEL (Israel).
  10. Students helped “each other” with playing Hebrew flashcard games.
  11. The students enjoyed being together with an all-school pizza dinner.
  12. Lihitaot (good-bye)! See you back on Tuesday, January 16th. Have a wonderful Winter break and a Happy New Year!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, a flashcard container, and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 51-52 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  6. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 53.  


  • December 24th: CBA Religious School & Hebrew School Winter Break Begins
  • January 14th: Religious School Resumes
  • January 16th: Tuesday Hebrew School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

12/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. We also lit the Chanukah candles and discussed miracles that happen in our lives.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and keywords in the yellow box and read the Vowel Hint Rule on page 45.
  3. Our class started lesson ten with Hebrew letters VAV and VET “saying sound” is V for both and Silent vowel (:).
  4. We read ALOUD page 47 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We worked on “building the Hebrew Words” on page 46 and page 48 “Sound Check”  and “Starry Night” with a partner.
  6. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 47.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 10 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made key word flashcards on MITZVAH (Mitzvah- good deed) and HAVDALAH(Havdalah- separation). 
  9. Students helped “each other” with playing Hebrew flashcards games.
  10. The students were able to enjoy, with all the classrooms with Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, a flashcard container, and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD page 47 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  6. Students work on Clue to Quest and Braid the Havdalah Candle on page 49.  

12/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah in the sanctuary, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. Talia S. and Ella U. helped lead. We also talked about two things going on Israel: The first was the good news of how many hostages have been released, AND the work of how many hostages still need to be released.  Secondly, we also watched a video about, sufganiyot, the special Chanukah jelly doughnuts. That was a delicious experience!
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box page 40.
  3. Our class started lesson nine with Hebrew letters TAV and TET “saying sound” is T for both.
  4. We read ALOUD pages 41-42 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We worked on the “colors galore” on page 43 with a partner.
  6. We practiced the Chanukah blessings together. I can’t wait to hear back that your student recited them!
  7. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 41.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 9 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made keyword flashcards on TALLIT (Tallit) and TORAH(Torah). 
  10. The last fifteen minutes of class were spent playing “Hebrew Through Movement.” Led by Rabbi Prass and Charlie. Several of our students were able to lead the group in this activity today.
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)! Happy Hanukah

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 41-42 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  3. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 44.  

11/28: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass.  We discussed the recent ‘better’ news coming out of Israel in regard to the hostages being released.
  2. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box page 35.
  3. Our class started lesson eight with Hebrew letters RESH “saying sound” is R and vowel AY.
  4. We read ALOUD pages 36-37 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We worked on the “Picture This” on page 38.
  6. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 37.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 8 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made keyword flashcards on REGEL (leg) and BEITSA(egg). 
  9. The last fifteen minutes of class were spent talking to the parents who visited the synagogue today for Hebrew school open house. While I was with the parents, the students were in the sanctuary doing Hebrew Through Movement led by our Madrich Charlie.
  10. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 36-37 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  6. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 39.  

11/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all-school Tefillah, led by Rabbi Bellows. We studied the meaning of one of our prayers that dealt with “freeing the captive.” Rabbi then explained how old this prayer is and yet, how meaningful it is in our world today.
  2. The students were able to enjoy, all the classrooms with Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words in the yellow box page 30.
  4. Our class started lesson seven with the Hebrew letters FINAL TZADI and TZADI “saying sound” is TZ.               
  5. We read ALOUD pages 30-31 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We worked on the “Write” Letter and Same Sound on page 32.
  7. Open House for parents, it was so nice to meet everyone!
  8. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 31.
  9. Students worked on page 33 “Sound Check” on page 33.
  10. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 7 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  11. Students made key word flashcards on MITZ (juice) and MATZAH(Matzah). 
  12. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 30-31 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  6. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 34.  

11/7: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with an all school Tefillah, a brief service, led by Rabbi Prass. As part of the t’fillah, we read the English translation of a new song written about Israel’s current situation and watched a video showing how Israelis from all walks of life are helping the soldiers and others who are in need. 
  2. We, along with kitah bet, met with Rabbi Prass for “Hebrew Through Movement.” The students had an opportunity to lead the activities today, and we had a fun time.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels, and keywords in the yellow box on page 25.
  4. Our class started lesson six with Hebrew VOWELS- EE “saying sound”
  5. We read ALOUD pages 25-26 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We read about the  Letter- Vowel Hint on pages 25-26 with the letter-HAY and YUD.
  7. Students worked on page 27 “Sound Bite” and “Odd Word Out” on page 28.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 6 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made keyword flashcards on EMA (mother) and BIMAH(Bimah). 
  10. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  3. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 25-26 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet). 
  4. Students work on Clue to Quest on page 29.

10/24: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with Tefillah and several videos of Israeli soldiers commenting about how happy they were to receive notes from our CBA Students.
  2. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah Bet class and Rabbi Prass and Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words from Lesson one-yellow box page 21.
  4. Our class started lesson five with Hebrew letter: GIMEL “saying sound” (G) and vowels EH.
  5. We read ALOUD pages 23-24 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We worked on Same Advice page 22 and Help the Rain Get to Israel on page 24.
  7. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 23.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 5 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made key word flashcards on GEMESH (rain) and SHEMESH(sun). 
  10. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencils, colored pencils, or markers, flashcard container and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 23-24 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet).

10/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day began with Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. As part of t’fillah, we discussed the situation in Israel, and the students expressed some interesting opinions and asked several excellent questions.
  2. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah Bet class and Rabbi Prass and Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and key words from Lesson one-yellow box page 17.
  4. Our class started lesson four with Hebrew letters: YUD “saying sound” (Y) and HAY “saying sound” H.
  5. We read ALOUD pages 17-18 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  6. We worked on Same Sound page 18 and Sound Check on page 19.
  7. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 19.
  8. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 3 and lesson 4 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  9. Students made key word flashcards on HAY ( The) and YAD ( hand) 
  10. 10.  Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, Key Words we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your new Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 17-18 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet).

10/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Our day started with our weekly T’fillah which included Rabbi Prass leading a discussion on the the events in Israel. Our students contributed some very sophisticated ideas stressing the need for peace between all people. At the end of the t’fillah we sang hatikvah.  We also made a video which is posted ( or ) so that Israelis know they are not alone.  In the video each learner was able to say, “My prayer for Israel is……….”
  2. As part of our Hebrew thru movement time with kitah bet and Rabbi Prass, we tasted an Etrog. Here is the video of it: we of course reviewed our Hebrew thru Movement vocabulary.
  3. We reviewed all past letters, vowels and keywords from Lesson one-yellow box page 13.
  4. We read ALOUD pages 13-14 using the “favorites” game. (Remind them to use their “pointer finger”).
  5. We read Vowel Hint on page 14, discussing how in Hebrew some vowels are “over the letter”.
  6. I checked students practicing writing letters/words page 15.
  7. We made dictionary pages for all Hebrew letters and vowels from lesson 3 and check-off on our Aleph-Bet “countdown list”.
  8. Students made keyword flashcards on SHALOM ( hello, good-bye, peace) and ADOM ( red) 
  9. Have your child show you the game Aleph Shuffle we played to show them how to read Hebrew (right to left).
  10. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, keywords we have covered so far.
  2. Please look at your new Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 13-14 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet).

10/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began the day with a community-wide T’Fillah. Rabbi Prass leading T’Fillah.
  2. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah Bet class and Rabbi Prass and Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement and shaking and performing the mitzvah of Lulav in the sukkah.
  3. Today we learned three Hebrew letters: ALEF (silent- no sound), AYIN-(silent-no sound), and BET(b-  saying sound). 
  4. We read ALOUD pages 10-11 using the “favorites” game.   Reminding them to use their “pointer finger”.
  5. Students made key word flashcards, ABBA (father), AM (nation, community).
  6. Have your child show you the game Aleph Shuffle we played to show them how to read Hebrew (right to left).
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencil, colored pencils, or markers, and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Start reviewing your Hebrew letters and vowels, keywords we have covered so far.
  5. Please look at your new Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 10-11 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet).

9/26: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We began our day with a community-wide Tefilla. Rabbi Prass led t’fillah and a discussion about what was one Jewish thing we did between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
  2. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah Bet class and Rabbi Prass, and Charlie for Hebrew thru Movement.
  3. Today we learned three Hebrew letters: MEM (m-sound), SHIN- (sh-sound), and FINAL MEM (m- sound) which is found at the end of the word. We learned three vowels, the ” saying sound “ AH, found under the letter. 
  4. We read ALOUD pages 6-7 using the “favorites” game.
  5. Have your child show you the game Aleph Shuffle we played to show them how to read Hebrew (right to left).
  6. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please look at your new Aleph book and read ALOUD pages 6-7 for new letters and vowels. (Parents, the student is coming home with a homework sign-off sheet).
  2. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  3. Please remember tzedakah.
  4. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencil, colored pencils, or markers, and the rest of your supplies.

9/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was wonderful to have your children in my class. This is going to be a fun and exciting year.
  2. We enjoyed an all-school assembly with Rabbi Prass.
  3. Our class was able to enjoy going outside with Kitah Bet class and Rabbi Prass.
  4. Today we learned three Hebrew letters: MEM (m-sound), SHIN- (sh-sound), and FINAL MEM ( m- sound) which is found at the end of the word. We learned three vowels, the” saying sound “ AH, found under the letter. 
  5. We read ALOUD pages 6-7 using the “favorites” game.
  6. Have your child show you the game Aleph Shuffle we played to show them how to read Hebrew (right to left).
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Parents, you can help your child even if they don’t know Hebrew, since the English is on the back of the flashcards.
  2. Please remember tzedakah.
  3. Bring in your pocket folder; sharpened pencil, colored pencils, or markers, and the rest of your supplies.
  4. Please look at your new Aleph book and look at pages 5 for new letters and vowels.