Education – 4th grade (Blatt)

5/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It’s hard to believe that another school year has passed!
  2. We started our day with a 45 Question Kahoot reviewing everything we learned this year!   Congrats to Nate Goldrich for placing first on the podium and to Haley Rabin and Sonia Goldrich for their winning streaks!
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa led 4th & 5th grade in several request songs, including “Get Up” loved by Everett Greenhill and Brady Hirsch.
  4. Back in class we were visited by Illinois State Judge Mitchell Goldberg who shared how he brings Jewish ethics into his court room every day.   All of the talmidim had the opportunity to pound His Honor’s gavel, just like they were in court.
  5. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led 4th -6th grade in our final t’fillah of this school year.  Rabbi Prass praised both students and teachers for making such a good school year, despite the challenges we’ve faced since October 7th
  6. I would like to personally thank this year’s 4th Grade class for their outstanding work. They were awesome!
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Have a great summer!
  2. 1st day of Religious School is Sunday, September 8th
  3. Don’t forget to sign up for the 24-25 Religious/Hebrew School year. 

5/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed a great Parent’s Day, and I’m confident that every talmid who came to Bait-Sefer was enriched for their efforts!
  2. We started our day looking at the traditional Shabbat evening prayer “Aishet Chayil” or “Woman of Valor”.   The talmidim worked on a project showing how the lines from this liturgical poem applied to their Moms.   Olivia Brill noted she was blessed for having a Mom who is “smart in Math”, while Nate Goldrich reflected on the assistance his Ema (mom) lends him with his schoolwork.
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa led 4th & 5th grade in several song favorites which the students requested, including “Gesher tzar Meod”, requested by our own Sonia Goldrich.
  4. Back in class we saw a video on the life of the hero of Lag B’Omer, which this year will be observed after Religious School ends, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.   We saw that the key lesson of his life was to be respectful of others and find out about where they are coming from before passing judgment!   Since, tradition tells us that the rabbi and his son lived in a cave for twelve years eating the fruit of a carob tree, we polled the class to see what they would have wanted to eat for the same period in that cave.  Our Student Assistant Charlie thought he’d go with “orange chicken”  while Haley Rabin was up for “scrambled eggs”.  Others wanted macaroni and cheese or spaghetti!
  5. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led us in Beth Am’s Annual Parent’s Day service.  It was nice to see so many parents of our students turn out for this event!  We were all proud of our talmidim who showed they had outstanding middot (Jewish values) in appreciating all that their parents had done for them!  Rabbi Prass shared how Mother’s Day is commemorated on different days around the globe and shared the traditions in Israel.
  6. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by the next class:


5/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed a great day as we swung into Sefirat HaOmer (Counting of the Omer!
  2. We started our day with an informative presentation on Israel’s current conflict with Hamas, given by our wonderful madrich (student assistant) Charlie Schwartz.
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa led 4th & 5th grade in song. Although some of our talmidim were hoping the number “Get Up!”, might make it on the list for singing today.  Morah Alexa promised it would be for the last day of class.
  4. Back in class, we designed our own Sefira charts and, as YomHa-Shoah is being observed this week, looked at some of the online exhibits of Israel’s Holocaust Museum YadVeShem. The talmidim were very interested in the list YVS has compiled of every person known to have been lost in that great calamity.
  5. 4th – 6th grade gathered for t’fillah led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass helped us count the Sefira and explained the roots of the word of Shoah and how it relates to our annual recollection of the terrible events that befell Jewry in the Second World War!
  6. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by the next class:


4/28: Today in class we worked on: 

  1. Hard to believe Pesah is almost over! Today, we had almost perfect attendance in class! 
  2. We started our day looking at street names in Jerusalem; the talmidim presented two street names that started with the letter of their first names. Everyone was surprised to learn there was even a “Lincoln” Street in Israel’s Capital City! 
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught 4th – 5th grade three new songs related to Pesach, including Debbie Friedman’s classic ballad on how Moshe Rabbenu’s sister Miriam led the Jewish women in song after we all successfully crossed the Yam Suf. 
  4. Back in class we saw how American Tamar Meisels, now living in Israel, baked Passover Matza in our own home with her kids. Everett Greenhill was surprised that home baked matza is round, not square and that Yemenite Jews made their matza to resemble a soft pita. 
  5. We also learned about many great Jewish sages such as the Rambam and the Baal Shem Tov. Brady Hirsch thought he might be related to the 19th century German rabbinical teacher Samson Raphael Hirsch! No one agreed with the ideas of Rabbi Eliezer Papo who felt you didn’t have to try hard in life since your destiny for the year was already pre-determined on Rosh Hashanah! 
  6. At Tefilla, 4th – 6th grade gathered with Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass. Rabbi Prass helped us count the Omer and encouraged all of us to stay positive during these troubled times for the Jewish people. 
  7. So, this all made for a very special day at Religious School! 
  8. L’Shalom, Moreh David 

Homework to be completed by next class:


4/21: Today in class we worked on:

  1. On this Erev Pesah, we enjoyed a super class!  
  2. First, we had a Scavenger Hunt with clues related to the many wars Israel has fought, followed by a video, from Canadian television,  on young Jews from the Toronto area serving in the IDF.
  3. Today we had a holiday/Pesach Shira with Morah Alexa and all of Gan – 4th grade as the 5th graders were off on a field trip.
  4. Back in the classroom, we had a Kahoot on everything we have learned about Medinat Yisrael this semester.
  5. At Tefilla led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass, 4th & 6th grade joined together.  Rabbi Prass had a “story walk” through highlighting the important events of the Passover story.
  6. I’d like to wish everyone a joyous Pesah holiday!
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


4/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was so nice to see our class enjoy near-perfect attendance, despite the fact that the weather was so summery outside!  
  2. Speaking of being outside, since it’s the Hebrew month of Nissan, we started our morning by blessing the trees, reciting the traditional “Beracha Illanot”, in front of the JCYS building.   A hearty Yishar Koach to Olivia Brill for reciting the blessing in flawless Hebrew!
  3. Afterwards, back in the classroom, we learned about Israel’s newest holiday of Yom Yerushalayim and the events that lead up to it in 1967.   Everyone loved the photo, in an old newsreel of the Chief Rabbi of the IDF,  blowing the Shofar at the Kotel after the Old City was re-united and the talmidim wanted to know if they could see the actual bones of Avraham and Sarah in Maharat Hamachpela in Chevron.
  4. At Shira, we were so happy to see Morah Alexa back. She taught 4th & 5th grade some great songs for Passover.  Some of the young men in the class really enjoyed hoping like frogs when were singing a song about the Ten Plagues!
  5. Afterwards we learned about the upcoming World Zionist Congress elections and how our own Congregation Beth Am worked hard to secure votes, the last time around, for the Reform Zionist slate.  We looked at other slates as well and the talmidim were excited to so many delegate candidates with the last name of “Schwartz” and were convinced they must be relatives of our student assistant Adon Charlie Schwartz.
  6. At Tefilla led by Rabbi Prass & Morah Alexa, 4th – 6th grade joined together. Rabbi Prass incorporated the sad news of Iranian attacks on Medinat Yisrael, over the weekend, into our prayers. 
  7. It was a great day of Jewish learning and community and I’d like to express my appreciation to 8th grader Taylor Malin for filling in for Charlie, as madriach, this week!
  8. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


4/7: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was great to be back after Spring Break.
  2. First we heard from my son Daniel Blatt who shared with the talmidim his experiences during a gap year in Israel.
  3. At Shira, one of our CBA teens, Matthew Stoll filled in leading for Morah Alexa.  It was good that the 4th & 5th graders could be together for shira.
  4. Afterwards we went and looked at the Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel and how it has been re-interpreted by different Jewish movements.  The talmidim liked the version of the prayer that is found in the Siddur we at Beth Am use. 
  5. We also found out about television and other mass medias in Israel. 
  6. We finished the day, with 4th – 6th graders coming together for T’fillah led by Rabbi Prass & Matthew Stoll.  Rabbi Prass incorporated the upcoming solar eclipse into services, in terms of how it relates to Jewish tradition.  
  7. All in all it was a terrific Sunday! L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


3/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today was “Yom Purim Sunday” where we enjoyed celebrating and learning about Purim, which will fall next Saturday and Sunday while we are on Spring Break.
  2. We began in the classroom breaking into smaller groups set by our Morim (teachers).  In these smaller groups, we named our group a fun name based on a Purim word/theme, and then picked what we would bring to the Purim Seudah (Purim celebratory meal).
  3. Then all of kindergarten – 6th grade joined with Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa joined for our Purim t’fillah.  In addition to the Purim parodies Morah Alexa prepared, we talked about how we need holidays like Purim…based in challenges but reminding us to find joy and light.
  4. Then by grade, we rotated thru four stations: (we will be sharing out their answers/thoughts/creations)
    • Aleph: Turning Purim & Personal Challenges into joy & light
    • Bet: Creating Purim Joy & Laughter by making our own Purim jokes
    • Gimmel: Purim Sing Down Competition
    • Daled: Purim Mitzvot – modern & funny ways to observe the 4 Purim Mitzvot
  5. Then all the grades returned to the atrium where 5th & 6th grade led us in an English version of the Megillah and we lots of opportunities to boo Haman.
  6. Rabbi Bellows showed us CBA’s real Megillah.
  7. Morah Alexa led us in Purim songs.
  8. On the way out, CBA provided us with Hamantaschen from Shalom Bakery.


  • March 24- March 31: CBA Religious School Spring Break Begins
  • April 2: Religious School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

3/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Again, we were blessed with almost perfect attendance this Sunday and what an awesome day in religious school it was!
  2. First, we saw how an average Israeli buys a car in the Jewish state and what taxes were associated with this purchase.  I’d like to thank Brady Hirsch for suggesting this great idea for a lesson!
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught 4th & 5th grades some new songs for Purim!
  4. Afterwards we went on an in-class virtual shopping spree of an Israeli supermarket.   Everyone liked the wafers and cookies that Israel puts out! 
  5. We spent so much time “buying” groceries for a future “dinner” we had to postpone our look at the famous “Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel” to another Sunday.
  6. At Tefilla, Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass led 4th – 6th grade in prayer with Disney melodies as we get in the Purim spirit and practice the Talmudic commandment “Be Happy It’s Adar.”  Rabbi Prass spent some time discussing the joy we feel, as Jews, in the month of Adar as Purim approaches!  He also told a story about Deborah, our biblical leader in honor of International Women’s Month.
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


3/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Again, we were blessed with almost perfect attendance this Sunday!
  2. Since Purim is coming, we learned about the different jobs in the ancient Bait Ha-Mikdash, which stood during the time of Mordechai and Esther!  We also saw a YouTube video on how the American olah Tamar Meisels and her family celebrate the Chag in Israel.  Everyone wanted to enjoy the homemade cookies she and her children prepared to share with friends.
  3. At Shira, 4th & 5th grade wished Morah Alexa a Happy Birthday and learned some lovely songs, all by the contemporary composer Dan Nichols, including “Kehilla Kedosha.”
  4. Afterwards we saw how Jewish holidays are observed in Israel and learned about Israeli writers and poets such as Leah Goldberg and Shmuel Yosef Agnon.
  5. 4th -6th graders joined together for t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa.  Members of our class participated in a play on the main points of Parashat Vayikra which will soon be read in synagogues all over the world!
  6. L’Shalom,Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


2/25: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was nice to see we almost had perfect attendance this Sunday!
  2. Many parents were at the synagogue learning with a guest speaker on our Kulanu theme (
  3. We started our morning with our Kulanu lesson, looking at how our people suffered from anti-Semitism during the Middle Ages in Europe and what we can learn from this today.   This prompted a lively discussion among our class!
  4. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught 4th & 5th grades some wonderful new songs related to our school’s theme of Kulanu learning: love, peace, and understanding.
  5. Back in the classroom, we continued our studies on Israel. We saw what it was it like to buy a home or condo in Israel.   The class broke into teams who had to decide on where they would live and how much they’d put down to secure a loan from our Banker at the Israel Bank of Schwartz i.e. our Madriach Charlie Schwartz.  Our class settled on “buying” homes in Tel Aviv, Beersheva,  and Yerushalayim!   Everyone enjoyed this so much we will soon have a similar lesson on how Israelis purchase automobiles.
  6. The session ended with 4th -6th grade joining with Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass in our weekly t’fillah. In addition to unpacking our day’s theme of kulanu, Rabbi Prass told a story from the great German Israeli Philosopher Martin Buber on how we can get to know our friends and neighbors better so we all can live in a tolerant and peaceful society.
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


2/18: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was nice to see so many of our talmidim present, despite tomorrow being a secular school holiday!
  2. We started our morning with a lesson on the “Court Reform” controversy currently happening in Israel, led by our talented Madrich Charlie Schwartz.  This was a follow-up to last week’s discussion of the quirks and quarks of Israeli government.
  3. Then we looked at how some Israeli farmers observed the Shmitta Year, which last fell in 5782 and saw how the famous Rav Kook, Mandatory Palestine’s Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi, likened Shmitta to returning to your family after a long absence.
  4. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught 4th – 6th grade the famous Debbie Friedman song “Im Tirtzu” and we had some theatre exercises to “waken us up.”
  5. Before Tefilla we enjoyed a Kahoot of what we have learned about Israel so far this year and then, with the remaining time revisited Israel’s Museum of the Jewish People.   We looked at some more famous Jewish recipes, including one for sickness that Brady Hirsch felt should be “fed to those in jail!”
  6. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led 4th -6th grade.  We talked about why our day is better when we start with an attitude of gratitude.  Then we talked about Judaism has a tradition of starting each day with Modeh Ani, a prayer for thanks.   Rabbi Prass led us in a play, in which three talmidim from our class participated in, going over the main ideas of this week’s Torah portion Tetzaveh.
  7. I wish everyone a safe Presidents Day holiday! L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


2/11: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed an unusual Sunday this week owing to the 5th Grade Faux wedding.
  2. First, we participated in an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Bellows, Rabbi Prass, and Morah Alexa.  As part of the t’fillah we were part of the Auf Ruf for the 5th Grade Faux Wedding and enjoyed the sour candy treats thrown at the “Chatan and Kallah.”
  3. Then in our classroom we first saw how Israel is taking steps to preserve its wildlife including dolphins and sea turtles.
  4. Afterwards we learned about how Israel’s voting system is different from what is used in most parts of the US.   The talmidim didn’t seem to like the Israeli Proportional Representation way of electing governments though but thoroughly enjoyed a musical political commercial for one of Israel’s parties.
  5. Before going to Shira, we were introduced to many of Israel’s important Prime Ministers and Chief Rabbis.  Moreh David related how he met PM Menachem Begin at an Israel Bonds dinner as a teen in Indianapolis and how Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Israeli widows remarry after their husbands were found missing during the 1973 Yom Kippur war.
  6. We ended our day with a 4th & 6th special scheduling of Shira with Morah Alexa.
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


2/4: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed a terrific Sunday of Religious School this year this week!
  2. First, we saw a PowerPoint describing Israeli Geography and this prompted a lively discussion on Israel’s neighbors and current events in the region.
  3. Then at Shira we enjoyed a special Folk Music session and our class especially liked joining in the chorus of “American Pie”.
  4. Afterwards we learned about religious diversity in Israel and saw that Jews there, and here in Chutz L’Eretz practiced the same religious observances and customs.  We also read a play about the history of Jerusalem and saw that before Crusader times, it was the custom there to count a minyan with seven Jews instead of ten as Jews do know.  Additionally,  we found out that Israel has set up a program where families are fostering pets whose owners are now serving in the IDF.  This is one way ordinary Israelis are helping their country in this difficult time.
  5. At Tefillah, Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass led the 4th – 6th grade.  We continued focusing on the birkot hashacar. Members of the 5th Grade acted out the important themes of this week’s Torah portion Parashat Mishpatim.
  6. All in all, this was a tremendous day to be at CBA Religious School!
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


1/28: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today, we enjoyed the most wondrous Sunday of Religious School this year!
  2. First, Madrich Charlie Schwartz gave our class a presentation on the development of the Israeli flag and even showed us the banner of our homeland he purchased while touring Medinat Yisrael last summer.
  3. Then we looked at the delicious foods Israelis enjoyed and enjoyed peering in on recipes for Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, and Vegetarian Lasagna posted on the website of Israel’s Museum of the Jewish People.  No one wanted anything to do with a recipe for a hot drink to remedy colds!
  4. At Shira, Morah Alexa got 4th & 5th grade going with happy songs for the late holiday of Tu B’Shvat that everyone could clap and move for!
  5. Back in class we broke into groups and reported back on sports that are popular in the Jewish State including wind surfing which has won Israel medals at the Olympics!
  6. At Tefillah,  Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led 4th – 6th grade in prayers from our School Siddur that we don’t always incorporate into our weekly service.   We also saw how date seeds, found at Masada, blossomed into trees after lying dormant since ancient times.  
  7. All in all, this was an amazing day to be at CBA Religious School!
  8. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


1/21: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We all braved the cold to enjoy another exciting Sunday morning of religious school. 
  2. First, we watched a video and saw how Eliezer Ben-Yehuda transformed Hebrew into a modern language that made it possible for Jews, from all over the world, to come to Medinat Yisrael and speak one common language.
  3. At Shira Morah Alexa taught 4th – 5th graders two new songs for the upcoming chag of Tu B’Shvat, including a number written by the late Debbie Friedman.
  4. Back in the classroom, we had a scavenger hunt and learned about different Israeli cities.  The talmidim were especially interested in seeing how Israel’s port at Haifa brings in imports from many countries such as automobiles from the European Union or meat from Poland.  We also talked about what happened in Acre in 1291,  after the last Crusader stronghold fell.
  5. At Tefilla with all of 4th – 6th grade and led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass,  Rabbi Prass came dressed as a tree in honor of Tu B’Shvat!  We saw how Judaism has always respected the earth and our environment.
  6. I wish everyone a safe and warm week ahead and Chag Tu B’Shvat Sameach!
  7. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


1/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was good to be back in Religious School, following the winter break and to see such a good attendance,  despite the frigid weather!
  2. We proudly started our second-semester study of Medinat Yisrael by watching a wonderful Rick Steves travel video of Israel,  where the talmidim enjoyed seeing the different kinds of Israeli food Rick was introduced to.
  3. At Shira, 4th & 5th grades reviewed some of the songs we had learned earlier in the school year.
  4. Back in the classroom, we saw how life was challenging for the first years in the Jewish State.   Food was rationed, most Israelis got by on eggplant and other vegetables every day and the new country had to accommodate Jewish immigrants from many different countries, including Yemen and Iraq.
  5. Before Tefilla we learned about the different kinds of schools that would be available to our 4th graders as young Israelis.  Most of the class were impressed by the Tali School System,  because it combined field trips with in-class learning.
  6. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass tied in the upcoming MLK Holiday with the tragic 100 days our fellow Jews have been held as hostages by the Hamas terrorists.  T’fillah was with all of 4th – 6th grade, and the 6th grade parents. 
  7. I wish everyone a safe and warm week ahead!
  8. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


12/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We finished the first semester in grand style! 
  2. First at an early all-school Tefilla, led by Rabbi Prass, Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa, we celebrated the consecration of new CBA Religious School students, including our own Cash Brand.  It was wonderful to see the parents and grandparents of the celebrants join us. 
  3. In class, we looked at the important post 1945 events affecting American Jews and saw how both Rabbis A.J. Heschel and J. B. Soleveitchik believed were the best ways to affect Jewish continuity.  This year’s 4th grade class seemed to favor Rabbi Soleveitchik’s ideas over those of Rabbi Heschel.
  4. We transitioned into next semester’s study of modern Israel by looking at a short video on the life of Golda Meir.  The talmidim were impressed by Golda’s strong organizational skills! 
  5. Finally, we finished off class today with 4th – 6th grade Shira led by Morah Alexa.
  6. Have an awesome winter break! L’Shalom,  Moreh David


  • December 24th: CBA Religious School Winter Break Begins
  • January 14th: Religious School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

12/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today was Yom Chanukah (Chanukah Day) in Religious School.
  2. We began in our classroom, where we collected tzedakah, divided into groups for the days, and then each group created a team name which was a playful connection to a Chanukah theme.
  3. Then the whole school gathered for t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa.  We talked about Chanukah.
  4. After this, we went thru 5 Chanukah-themed rotations, with each one competing for points.  We rotated by grade. The rotations were:
    • Chanukah Story: Light & Darkness – we talked about where light and darkness was in the Chanukah story and in our world today.
    • Dreidel where we looked at part of CBA congregant Mrs Popper’s 200 Dreidel collection.
    • Chanukah Opposites: Two Truths (aka Opposites) can exist
    • Chanukah Celebrations: Healthy Debate based on the Talmud debate on how to light the Chanukiah
    • Chanukah Art: making our own Magen Macabee    
  5. We came back together for an all school Chanukah shira led by Morah Alexa.  As part of Austin, Rabbi Prass, Lauren and Sonia told us the Chanukah story.
  6. On the way out, each of the Talmidim (learners) was given: a glow stick, a dreidel, and a bag of chocolate gelt.

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah for the next class.
  2. Happy Hanukah.
  3. We have lots of events coming up which you can see by clicking here.

12/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had a terrific Sunday in the 4th grade class this week!
  2. First, the talmidim viewed a video put out by Jimena where young Jews, whose families came from Muslim countries recollected their family history in conjunction with the Annual Month of Remembrance of the Forced Migration of Jews out of the Arab world.  We saw how Israel absorbed many of these refugees and as Sonja G noted, by learning about these stories we get the full picture of our lives as Jews today.
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught us, along with 5th – 6th grade several songs in anticipation of this week’s joyous chag of Chanukah, which starts on Thursday night.
  4. Back in the classroom we had a mini-scavenger hunt and were introduced to the achievements of Jewish Americans in sports, entertainment, science, and government.  We talked about whether, according to Jewish tradition, Rabbi Alexander Goode did the right thing in giving up his life jacket on the sinking US Navy Ship “Dorchester” in 1943. 
  5. We also looked at the different ways Jewish Americans, such as Rabbi Stephen Wise and the observant businessperson Irving Bunim tried to rescue their fellow Jews from the Holocaust in Europe.
  6. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa showed 4th – 6th grade how many of our regular prayers in our school siddur related to the story of Chanukah.  We also enjoyed a reenactment of the Chanukah story from the 6th graders.
  7. All in all, it was a blessed Sunday of Jewish learning and community.
  8. Chag Chanukah Sameach, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


11/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had a fun Sunday in the 4th grade class this week!
  2. First, the talmidim picked up “Rabbi” and “Rabbinical School” cards where we learned about the leaders of Modern American Judaism such as Rabbis Stephen Weiss and Mordechai Kaplan.
  3. At Shira, we, along with 5th – 6th grade enjoyed the talents of our guest soloist Matthew Stoll who filled in for Morah Alexa.
  4. Back in the classroom, we broke into groups and then were introduced to the lives of Louis Brandeis, Oscar Staus, and Rose Schneiderman who worked hard to make the US a better country in the Progressive Era.  One group also reported on the tragedy that befell Leo Frank in Georgia in 1913.
  5. Before class ended our Madriach Charlie Schwartz read a personal account of how Judith Kaplan Eisenstein was the first Jewish girl to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah at her father’s synagogue way back in 1922.  Finally, we saw a clip of the first “talkie movie” “The Jazz Singer” with the Jewish entertainer Al Jolson that came out just five years after Judith’s “Big Day.”  The class was amazed at how sound technology has advanced since that film was produced.
  6. At Tefilla with all of 4th – 6th grade, led by Rabbi Prass and Matthew S, Rabbi Prass interwove his experiences participating in the March for Israel in Washington last week with our prayers.
  7. All in all, it was a blessed Sunday of Jewish learning and community. Happy Thanksgiving, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


11/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed a wonderful Sunday as 4th grade parents joined our class this week for the annual 4th Grade Boker B’yachad.
  2. First we shared our family experiences together and interactively became introduced to the famous Pittsburgh Platform on a real platform!
  3. Parents joined us for Shira where Morah Alexa, with Rosh Chodesh Kislev this week, shared a Chanukah ballad with all of 4th – 6th grade.
  4. Back in the classroom, we saw a video on Eastern European Jewish immigrants on New York’s Lower East side.  We also wrote a script for the Yiddish Theater; congrats to Jonas for his excellent reading of our lines in Yiddish!  Additionally, we learned of how Moshe Gadol worked hard to help his fellow Sephardic Jewish immigrants adjust to life in their new country as a minority within a minority.
  5. During this time, the adults were studying with Rabbi Bellows.
  6. At Tefilla the 4th grade parents rejoined us, along with the 4th – 6th graders. Rabbi Prass, with the help of 5th and 6th graders, shared with us all on the importance of maintaining Jewish Unity, especially during these troubled times.
  7. All in all, it was an amazing Sunday! Chodesh Kislev Tov, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


11/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. As one of the characters from “Polizei Hengisch” on the popular German TV series, “Homicide Hills”,  might have said, “Man, Man, Man, did we have a terrific Sunday in the 4th Grade class this week!
  2. First, our madrich (Student Assistant) Charlie Schwartz became a 19th century newsie handing out the student American Jewish newspaper from the 1850’s, everyone worked on last week.
  3. Afterwards, we looked at how American Jewry was divided on the slavery question, some Jewish leaders were opposed to it while others were not.  We also discussed how the Civil War impacted American Jewry; Jews fought on both sides of the conflict, and we had a good discussion on how medical care improved during the war.  Everett G was very interested in how Army doctors used common saws to amputate infected legs during the conflict!  We also saw how American Jews held Memorial Services for President Lincoln after he was murdered by John Wilkes Booth, whose dad was a Sephardic Jew from England.
  4. Following that we had a Kahoot reviewing everything we’ve learned since our school year began.  Congrats to Nathaniel G, Sonja G, and Haley R who did exceptionally well in our Kahoot.
  5. Our morning wrapped up with Tefilla where Rabbi Prass shared with all of 4th – 6th grade how “mitzvah minded” Israelis have been going on beyond the call, as it were, during these last hard three weeks.  This included IDF soldiers watering plants in a kibbutz greenhouse that was struck by Hamas on 7 Oct, a grandmother baking cookies for those in need, and a car dealer offering new vehicles to those who lost their autos on that tragic Shabbat. 
  6. All in all, this was the best session of the year, so far!

Homework to be completed by next class:


10/29: Today in class we worked on:

  1. As the weather turned cool and rainy, we enjoyed a great day in class and accomplished many things.
  2. We learned about some of the first ordained rabbis in our country such as Abraham Rice and Isaac Mayer Wise.  We also saw how Jewish women, such as Rebecca Graetz and Grace Aguilar contributed to antebellum American Jewish life.
  3. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught us, along with 5th & 6th grade more songs.
  4. Upon returning to class we broke into groups and started to work on our project of producing a Jewish newspaper from the 1850’s.
  5. Additionally, the students enjoyed looking at a vintage photography book “Israel ‘25”, dating back to 1973!  Leah Misenko noted her dad was born at the time the book was personally inscribed as a gift to me in my Confirmation Class at Congregation Beth El-Zedeck in Indianapolis!  The talmidim were particularly fascinated by a photo of an actual Open-Heart Surgery being performed at an Israeli hospital.
  6. At Tefilla, led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa, we enjoyed a lovely play, performed by the 6th Grade Class on the first Torah portions of Sefer Beresheath.
  7. All in all, it was an awesome Sunday for fourth graders!
  8. Please remember that next Sunday we are having a Kahoot, on topics we have learned until now, so please send your talmid with appropriate electronics.
  9. L’Shalom, Moreh David

Homework to be completed by next class:


10/22: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had a great class on Sunday.
  2. We started looking at sacred Jewish books, such as the Siddur and Tanakh, that early 19th century Jewish immigrants to America might have brought with them. The 4th grade class was fascinated by a 1941 edition of the original Union Prayer Book that Reform congregations, like Beth Am, used as their Siddur in days gone by.
  3. When we returned to the class we looked at how being a peddler was a common Jewish profession for new arrivals to America from Central Europe.  Additionally, the talmidim saw how Solomon Carvalho helped John C. Fremont explore the West and why Mordechai Manuel Noah wanted all persecuted Jews to live on an island near Buffalo, New York.  Sonja Goldhrich didn’t think that was very practical!
  4. Before going to Shira, we looked at clips from Sam Aronow Jewish History videos on the Damascus Affair and the Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara.  Although these events happened in far off Syria and Italy, the talmidim saw how American Jews raised their voices to help their fellow brethren in need just as we are doing now with Israel!
  5. Then Will Rivlin, an assistant Camp Director from OSRUI, came and we enjoyed a presentation from him on the amazing opportunities for fun, learning, and Jewish community from 4 Reform Jewish Summer camps.  Those camps and links to their websites are: 6 Points Creative Arts Camp, 6 Points Sci Tech Camp, 6 Points Sports Academy, OSRUI
  6. All in all, it was a terrific morning.

Homework to be completed by next class:


10/15: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We had a very nice class on Sunday.
  2. We started viewing a clip from Sam Aronow’s video on Jews in Colonial America.  In particular the talmidim learned how Jonas Philips, a Jewish merchant, was instrumental in having the right of religious freedom entrenched in our federal Constitution.  Additionally, we saw how many American Jews, in the early Republic, gave generously to support Jewish causes overseas such as when Judah Touro helped build a security wall for poor Jews in Jerusalem.  We also learned about the wealthy New York Jewish businessman Elijah Hart who at first refused to support any charities, retreating to a farm upstate.  The students were surprised to learn that the workers on this farm were often slaves; thankfully Adon Hart changed his ways and helped build the first Jewish hospital in America!
  3. At Shira, 4th – 6th grade enjoyed singing along with a former 4th grade CBA Religious School student Matthew Stoll, who was our song leader today.  He is now a junior in high school and still a CBA student.
  4. When we returned to the class we discussed the situation in Medinat Yisrael and then had the opportunity to write letters of support to Israeli kids and those serving in the IDF. These will be personally delivered by a friend of Rabbi Prass later this week.
  5. Finally, at Tefilla Rabbi Prass challenged all of us to stay Jewishly connected during these difficult times. T’fillah was led by Rabbi Prass and Matthew Stoll.
  6. At the suggestion of 4th grade student, Cash Brand, the class voted to make the JUF ISR Fund its Tzedaka of the Year

Homework to be completed by next class:


10/8: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We discussed as a whole school what is happening in Israel with Rabbi Prass. We were encouraged to reach out to people we know in Israel we know: family, friends, or past Israeli counselors from summer camp and let them know they are not alone.  Together we made a short video letting them know we are thinking of them.  You can see it by clicking this links: OR
  2. 4th – 6th grade gathered for Shirah (Music) with Morah Alexa.
  3. T’filah (Prayer) with all of 4th – 6th grade, led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa.  We talked about our final Fall holiday Simchat Torah, Hoshanah Rabba, and Shemini Atzeret.
  4. In class, we watched the following video:  It taught us about Jews in Colonial America-Sam Aronow.  It talked about the first 23 Jewish immigrants in America.
  5. We talked about others parts colonial America and how Jews intersected with this part of history:
    • Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant who didn’t like Jews;
    • The “Patriot Cause” when Jewish Tradition has a concept of Dina Malchut V’Dina (It’s a mitzvah to follow the laws of the country you live in);
    • Haym Solomon.  He gave all of his vast fortune to General Washington as a loan, but it was never paid back and he died in poverty. 
    • The learners started making floats, out of construction paper, for the Constitution Adoption Parade that NY Jews participated in 1787.

Homework to be completed by next class:


10/1: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was wonderful to have the whole school at the synagogue for our annual session at Beth Am centered around Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
  2. We began the session with an all school game of “I spy with my little eye” something Jewish in the CBA sanctuary.  The K – 6th grade learners found the eternal light, ark, Israeli Flags, Stars of David, Torah scrolls, and much more.  It was so much fun to let their eyes explore our congregations sanctuary space.
  3. Then we had an all school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa. 
  4. From there we spread outside and throughout the building for 5 Sukkot related stations.  We rotated every 15 minutes by grade.  The stations were:
    • Sukkot terms and concepts thru a rousing game of charade
    • Build your own sukkah thru origami.  The learners wrote on the roof “My own home is beautiful because…..”
    • Usphizin (inviting guests into my sukkah): The learners thought about who they would want to invite into their sukkah this week
    • A Sukkah Scavenger Hunt of the Mind using Sukkot terms and concepts
    • Sukkah visit with Rabbi Bellows where they spent time in the real sukkah and had an opportunity to shake the lulav & etrog.
  5. We concluded the session with shira, joining in songs connected to sukkot and the next holiday of Simchat Torah.

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Next Sunday we return to JCYS.

9/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Well after the long summer break it’s good to be back in Religious School.  This year we have an amazing 4th grade class!
  2. Rabbi Prass opened the new school year with an assembly, where both the Madrichim and Morim performed short plays to start our new term off.  Rabbi Prass blew from his long Yemenite Shofar and we were introduced to our awesome new song leader Morah Alexa!
  3. When we returned to the class, we accomplished many things.  First, we had a short introduction to the topics we are going to study this year.  Afterwards, we saw a short video, from the diverse collection of Sam Aranow, on the Gerush Sepharad of 1492 and how that set the stage for the first Jews to come to America.
  4. We saw that the first Jews arrived on American shores, in what is now New York, in 1654.  To get us ready to understand this we had a short play on where Jews lived in the 1650’s and saw which countries, such as England and Holland were good for Jews to live in, and how others, like Yemen weren’t so good.  Our class was fascinated to learn that in the Turkish Empire, where many Jews from Spain found refuge, Jewish families had to pay a tax to the government in order to practice their religion.
  5. We ended our class breaking up into groups, trying to figure out the things the first Jewish pioneers in America might need to create a community there where they could grow as Jews. 
  6. Our day was completed with Shira.  Morah Alexa began teaching us new songs, such as “Hava NeShira”, and everyone enjoyed learning from her!
  7. All in all, it was a terrific Sunday for fourth graders!
  8. L’Shana Tova-Moreh David