Education – 1st and 2nd Grade (Kaufman)

5/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led Gan – 3rd grade in our final t’fillah of this school year.  Rabbi Prass praised both students and teachers for making such a good school year, despite the challenges we’ve faced since October 7th.
  3. We read in our Jewish pamphlet about the Lifetime of Study. We never stop learning Torah, including in the summer.  
  4. We read the book Picnic at Camp Shalom, written by Jacqueline Jules.
  5. Gan – 3rd grade had a great last shira with Morah Alexa, singing songs the students have loved from the year.
  6. Lihitaot (good-bye)!  Have a great summer! See you next year!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Have a great summer!
  2. 1st day of Religious School is Sunday, September 8th
  3. Don’t forget to sign up for the 24-25 Religious/Hebrew School year. 

5/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. K – 3rd grade enjoyed Shira with Morah Alexa. We sang many songs we learned and loved throughout the year.
  3. We read in our Holiday books about how we celebrate Yom Ha’atzma’ut. The birthday of the state of Israel.
  4. We started our day looking at the traditional Shabbat evening prayer “Aishet Chayil” or “Woman of Valor”.   The talmidim worked on a project showing how the lines from this liturgical poem applied to their Moms.  
  5. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led us in Beth Am’s Annual Parent’s Day service.  It was nice to see so many parents of our students turn out for this event!  We were all proud of our talmidim who showed they had outstanding middot (Jewish values) in appreciating all that their parents had done for them!  Rabbi Prass shared how Mother’s Day is commemorated on different days around the globe and shared the traditions in Israel.
  6. Lihitaot (good-bye)!  

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

5/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. Kindergarten – 3rd grade enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows and Morah Alexa.   
  3. We read in our pamphlets about how important it is to “Summer @ Home’ to do and try Jewish activities, review those Hebrew letters with your flashcards.    Never stop being Jewish and even enjoy a Shabbat with others.      
  4. We learned in our Hebrew book about the past Hebrew letters and their ‘saying sounds we have learned this year.
  5. Kindergarten – 3rd grade enjoyed Shira with Morah Alexa where we sang many songs.
  6. We read in our holiday books the holiday of Yom Hashoah. This is a remembrance holiday of the memorial of the Holocaust.
  7. Students played AMAZING RACE using their flashcards.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!  

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

4/28: Today in class we worked on: 

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives. 
  2. Kindergarten – 3rd grade enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows and Morah Alexa. 
  3. We read in our pamphlets about being a Mensch. What is means being a good person. 
  4. We learned in our Hebrew book about the Hebrew letter- AYIN. The ‘saying sound “ is silent. 
  5. At Shira, Morah Alexa taught Kindergarten – 3rd grade three new songs related to Pesach, including Debbie Friedman’s classic ballad on how Moses’ sister Miriam led the Jewish women in song after we all successfully crossed the Red Sea. 
  6. Students played AMAZING RACE using their flashcards. 
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)! 

Homework to be completed by next class: 

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

4/21: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. At Tefilla led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass, Gan – 3rd grade joined together.  Rabbi Prass had a “story walk” through highlighting the important events of the Passover story.
  3. We finished reading in our holiday book the Passover story. We discussed the ten plagues.
  4. We learned in our Hebrew book about the Hebrew letter- TSADI. The ‘saying sound “ is TS or TZ.
  5. Today we had a holiday/Pesach Shira with Morah Alexa and all of Gan – 4th grade as the 5th graders were off on a field trip.
  6. Students read the book, The Matzah Ball Fairy, by Carla Heymsfeld.
  7. We played AFIKOMAN using items we have /Hebrew cutout letters! Ask your student to tell you.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)! Chag Sameach-Happy Passover!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

4/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. Kindergarten – 3rd grade enjoyed being together with the 3rd for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.   Rabbi Bellows talked about Iran’s attack on Israel by emphasizing how important/helpful good friends are, like the countries that were good friends to Israel Saturday night.  We ended the t’fillah with a prayer for peace.
  3. We read in our holiday book the importance of the seder and all the ritual parts and foods involved.  
  4. We learned in our Hebrew book about the Hebrew letter- TET. The ‘saying sound “ is T look like the Hebrew letter with a top is open.
  5. At Shira, we were so happy to see Morah Alexa back. She taught Kindergarten – 3rd grade some great songs for Passover.  Some in the class really enjoyed hoping like frogs when were singing a song about the Ten Plagues!
  6. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlets about the Jewish holiday Passover. We read about the story how the Jews left Egypt out of slavery.
  7. We played Hebrew Yoga with the Hebrew letters we have learned in class. Ask your student to show you.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

4/7: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. At Shira, one of our CBA teens, Matthew Stoll filled in leading for Morah Alexa.  It was good that the Kindergarten – 3rd graders could be together for shira.
  3. We drew pictures of Hebrew Letters we learned and played “I spy a Hebrew Letter”.
  4. We learned in our Hebrew book about the Hebrew letter- Kaph. The ‘saying sound “ is K look like the Hebrew letter Caf but has a dot in the middle.
  5. Kindergarten – 3rd graders came together for T’fillah led by Rabbi Prass & Matthew Stoll.  Rabbi Prass incorporated the upcoming solar eclipse into services, in terms of how it relates to Jewish tradition.   
  6. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlets about the importance of the Jewish Meal. We read about the story beginning with the Jewish bread-       challah. How important G-D is to provide for us.
  7. We played Hebrew Yoga with the Hebrew letters we have learned in class. Ask your student to show you.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

3/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today was “Yom Purim Sunday” where we enjoyed celebrating and learning about Purim, which will fall next Saturday and Sunday while we are on Spring Break.
  2. We began in the classroom breaking into smaller groups set by our Morim (teachers).  In these smaller groups, we named our group a fun name based on a Purim word/theme, and then picked what we would bring to the Purim Seudah (Purim celebratory meal).
  3. Then all of kindergarten – 6th grade joined with Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa joined for our Purim t’fillah.  In addition to the Purim parodies Morah Alexa prepared, we talked about how we need holidays like Purim…based in challenges but reminding us to find joy and light.
  4. Then by grade, we rotated thru four stations: (we will be sharing out their answers/thoughts/creations)
    • Aleph: Turning Purim & Personal Challenges into joy & light
    • Bet: Creating Purim Joy & Laughter by making our own Purim jokes
    • Gimmel: Purim Sing Down Competition
    • Daled: Purim Mitzvot – modern & funny ways to observe the 4 Purim Mitzvot
  5. Then all the grades returned to the atrium where 5th & 6th grade led us in an English version of the Megillah and we lots of opportunities to boo Haman.
  6. Rabbi Bellows showed us CBA’s real Megillah.
  7. Morah Alexa led us in Purim songs.
  8. On the way out, CBA provided us with Hamantaschen from Shalom Bakery.


  • March 24- March 31: CBA Religious School Spring Break Begins
  • April 2: Religious School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here.

3/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. Gan – 3rd Grade enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa. They modified our prayers with Disney melodies as we get in the Purim spirit and practice the Talmudic commandment “Be Happy It’s Adar.”  Rabbi Prass spent some time discussing the joy we feel, as Jews, in the month of Adar as Purim approaches!  He also told a story about Deborah, our biblical leader in honor of International Women’s Month.
  3. We drew pictures of Hebrew Letters we learned and played “I spy a Hebrew Letter”.     
  4. We read in our Holiday books the holiday of Purim. Why we celebrate and the meanings of the Megillah reading.
  5. Gan – 3rd grade enjoyed Shira with Morah Alexa we sang many Purim songs.
  6. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlets about the holiday of Purim. We read about the story and the customs and traditions.
  7. We played Hebrew Yoga with the Hebrew letters we have learned in class. Ask your student to show you.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

3/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. K – 3rd grade enjoyed being together with for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We drew pictures of Hebrew Letters we learned and played “I spy a Hebrew Letter”.
  4. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter RESH, “saying sound” is R- (Hebrew Hint- “similar to the letter DAHLET with a round at the top-like your Rosh-head).
  5. At Shira, K – 3rd grade wished Morah Alexa a Happy Birthday and learned some lovely songs, all by the contemporary composer Dan Nichols, including “Kehilla Kedosha.”
  6. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlet about “Beit K’nesset” as in a house, and synagogue.
  7. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

2/25: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Many parents were at the synagogue learning with a guest speaker on our Kulanu theme (
  2. Our day paralleled the Kulanu theme by using the Chicago Holocaust Museum’s Teaching Trunks (
  3. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  4. Gan – 3rd grade enjoyed being together with Rabbi Bellows and Morah Alexa for T’fillah
  5. We read the book, Because of You: A book of Kindness, by B.G. Hennessy. We shared about how we can help someone in need and how they feel when someone is kind to them.
  6. We reviewed past lessons from 1-16 in their Hebrew books, with all Letters and their “saying sounds”.
  7. Gan – 3rd grade enjoyed Shira with Morah Alexa.  She taught some wonderful new songs related to our school’s theme of Kulanu learning: love, peace, and understanding.
  8. Students enjoyed reading the book, Flap Your Wings, By P.D. Eastman. We discussed our uniqueness and how we should share our differences among others to be kind.
  9. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

2/18: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. At Tefilla, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa led K – 3rd grade.  We talked about why our day is better when we start with an attitude of gratitude.  Then we talked about how Judaism has a tradition of starting each day with Modeh Ani, a prayer for thanks.   Rabbi Prass and all the morim and madrichim led us in a play, going over the main ideas of this week’s Torah portion Tetzaveh.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter HEY, “saying sound” is H-  (Hebrew Hint- looks like a door).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd-grade class and with Morah Alexa. We sang many songs together it was so fun.
  5. Students enjoyed reading the book, King David & Akavish the Spider by Sylvia Rouss . A story that shows how people and animals to help each other.
  6. We played a Hebrew game, “Amazing Race” using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters we learned so far this year in class.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

2/11: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. First, we participated in an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Bellows, Rabbi Prass, and Morah Alexa.  As part of the t’fillah we were part of the Auf Ruf for the 5th Grade Faux Wedding and enjoyed the sour candy treats thrown at the “Chatan and Kallah.”
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letters from past lessons 1-15  with their “saying sounds” .
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and with Morah Alexa sang many songs together it was so fun.
  5. Students played “I Spy a Hebrew Letter” with the letters we learned. They drew letters hidden with Jewish objects surroundings.
  6. We played a Hebrew game, “Amazing Race” using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters we learned so far this year in class.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

2/4: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the 3rd grade class for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letters MEM, “saying sound” is M- (Hebrew Hint- “look for man on a mountain- the man is     Moses on Mt. Sinai).
  4. All of K – 3 joined for shira led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass where we had Yom Folk.  The students have seen some of the these songs in our song book and they have been asking for them!  We narrowed down their requests and sang: American Pie, Hallelujah, Puff magic Dragon, Leaving on a Jet Plane, and This Land is your Land.  We talked about the Jewish Folk artists: Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan and Petter Yarrow of Peter, Paul, and Mary.
  5. Students played “I Spy a Hebrew Letter” with the letters we learned. They drew letters hidden with Jewish objects surroundings.
  6. We played a Hebrew game, “Amazing Race” using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters we learned so far this year in class.
  7.  Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

1/28: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the 3rd grade class (and their parents) for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letters PEY, “saying sound” is P- (Hebrew Hint- “looks like a BET with a dot in the middle) the other letter YUD, “saying sound” is Y-( Hebrew Hint-, smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class (and their parents) and with Morah Alexa we sang Tu Bisvhat songs together.
  5. Students enjoyed reading the book, Rosie Saves the World, by Debbie Herman. A cute story about ways to do Tzedukah.
  6. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

1/21: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. Gan – 3rd grade joined Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa for tefillot where we learned about Tu b’Shevat, the birthday of the trees.
  3. We read in our holiday book about Tu B’Shavat learning about why we celebrate trees and plant tees in Israel even today.
  4. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter ZAYIN, “saying sound” is Z- (Hebrew Hint- “similar to the letter VAV with a zig-zag body and slat on its top).
  5. Gan – 3rd grade joined Morah Alexa to sing songs about trees.
  6. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlet about “Tu B’Shvat” the birthday of the trees.
  7. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

1/14: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. K-3rd grade enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows and Morah Alexa. We learned about Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, who marched with Dr. Martin Luther King for civil rights.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letters DALET, “saying sound” is D- (Hebrew Hint- “similar to the letter Resh but the top line looks like a door make sure it is written like having a “hinge hanging over”). The other Hebrew letter we learned is the KOOF with the “saying sound” of “K” ( Hebrew Hint-“ one of the few letters that have a long line in the front hanging down”).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and with Morah Alexa we sang many songs.
  5. Students read in their BJL Beginnings pamphlet about “Saying the Shema” the prayer we recite during the services and before going to bed.
  6. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

12/17: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with an all school T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa. To watch the Consecration ceremony of new students.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letters VAV, “saying sound” is V- (Hebrew Hint- “make sure it is written not too long or too short like the other Hebrew letter Yud.). The other Hebrew letter we learned is the CHET with the “saying sound” of CH Hebrew hint- looks like a closed up Hay).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the Gan & 3rd grade class and with Morah Alexa where we sang many songs.
  5. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  6. Lihitaot (good-bye)! See you all back on Sunday, January 14th. Have a wonderful New Year!


  • December 24: CBA Religious School Winter Break Begins
  • January 14: Religious School Resumes
  • You can always access the school calendars by clicking here.
  • You can always access the entire CBA calendar by clicking here

12/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Today was Yom Chanukah (Chanukah Day) in Religious School.
  2. We began in our classroom, where we collected tzedakah, divided into groups for the days, and then each group created a team name which was a playful connection to a Chanukah theme.
  3. Then the whole school gathered for t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa.  We talked about Chanukah.
  4. After this, we went thru 5 Chanukah-themed rotations, in each one competing for points.  We rotated by grades. The rotations were:
    • Chanukah Story: Light & Darkness – we talked about where light and darkness was in the Chanukah story and in our world today.
    • Dreidel where we looked at part of CBA congregant Mrs Popper’s 200 Dreidel collection.
    • Chanukah Opposites: Two Truths (aka Opposites) can exist
    • Chanukah Celebrations: Healthy Debate based on the Talmud debate on how to light the Chanukiah
    • Chanukah Art: making our own Magen Macabee    
  5. We came back together for an all school Chanukah shira led by Morah Alexa.  As part of Austin, Rabbi Prass, Lauren and Sonia told us the Chanukah story.
  6. On the way out, each of the Talmidim (learners) was given: a glow stick, a dreidel, and a bag of chocolate gelt.

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah for the next class.
  2. Happy Hanukah.
  3. We have lots of events coming up which you can see by clicking  here.

12/3: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the 3rd grade class for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We enjoyed reading in our holiday book page 72,  Why we celebrate Hanukkah. What are the foods, customs, and rituals we follow.
  4. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter SAMECH, “saying sound” is S- (Hebrew Hint- “same sound as the SIN, it has a very distinct shape- it looks like a MEM look at it carefully).
  5. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and with Morah Alexa we sang many songs.
  6. We read from Beginnings @ Hanukkah and Hanukkah at Home pamphlets- and discussed the rituals that go along with the Hanukkiyah, and how to light it throughout the week.
  7. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

11/19: Today in class we worked on:

  1. students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the 3rd grade class for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Matthew S.
  3. We enjoyed reading the book, Chicken Soup, Chicken Soup by Pamela Mayer.
  4. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter GIMEL, “saying sound” is G- (Hebrew Hint- “looks like a giraffe with two legs kneeling).
  5. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and with Matthew S we sang many songs.
  6. We created Chanukah cards for the college student’s care packages.
  7. We played a Hebrew game using our flashcards, with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)! Hope you and your families have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

11/12: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the Gan – 3rd grade classes for T’Fillah with Rabbi Prass, and Morah Alexa. Rabbi Prass shared with us all on the importance of maintaining Jewish Unity, especially during these troubled times.
  3. We discussed if the students with their families shared Shabbat, with their new candle holders they created.
  4. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter LAMED, “saying sound” is L- (Hebrew Hint- “looks like a lightning bolt).
  5. For Shira Morah Alexa, with Rosh Chodesh Kislev this week, shared a Chanukah ballad with all of Gan – 3rd grade.
  6. I read the book, Something from Nothing by Phoebe Gilman.
  7. We played a Hebrew game with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  8. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

11/5: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the 3rd grade class for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We learned and did activities in our Hebrew book about the letter NUN, “saying sound” is N- (Hebrew Hint- “looks like the top, bottom, and right side of a  candle).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and Morah Alexa.
  5. The students received two pamphlets of information about the Jews Around the World and the country of Israel.
  6. We played a Hebrew game with Hebrew letters/lessons we learned today in class.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

10/29: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. We enjoyed being together with the Taste of Gan Beth Am class and the 3rd grade class for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa.
  3. We learned in our Hebrew book about the letter TAV, “saying sound” is T- (Hebrew Hint- “it has a big toe” can have a dot in the middle or not).
  4. We enjoyed Shira with the Taste of Gan Beth Am class and the 3rd grade class and Morah Alexa.
  5. The students received a pamphlet of information about the Torah how it is a special gift from G-D.
  6. We played a Four-Corners game with Hebrew letters we learned.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

10/22: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. In honor of ‘Camp Sunday’, we had a school-wide Havdalah service as our morning Tefilla this week, which was led by Morah Alexa and Rabbi Prass.  A representative from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade sat in the middle of the circle to hold the 3 Havdalah symbols.
  3. We learned in our Hebrew book about the letter SHIN, “saying sound” is SH- (Hebrew Hint- is has three branches climbing up- with a dot on the right).
  4. Shira was different this week as we had an All-School Sing-along with Morah Alexa. 
  5. Then Will Rivlin, an assistant Camp Director from OSRUI, came and we enjoyed a presentation from him on the amazing opportunities for fun, learning, and Jewish community from 4 Reform Jewish Summer camps.  Those camps and links to their websites are: 6 Points Creative Arts Camp, 6 Points Sci Tech Camp, 6 Points Sports Academy, OSRUI
  6. We played a Four-Corners game with Hebrew letters we learned.
  7. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

10/15: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Todah was our Boker B’yachad (Family Ed).  It was great to see parents there.
  2. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  3. We enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Matthew Stoll and the 3rd grade class.
  4. Students and their parents created a special craft to go along with our theme Why Shabbat.
  5. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and Matthew Stoll.  Matthew was the sub for Morah Alexa.  Matthew is one of CBA’s post b’nai mitzvah high school students.
  6. All the flashcards I provided have the name and the “saying sound” on the back. Please remind your student to keep them in a flashcard box.
  7. The parents had time to study with Rabbi Bellows while students were studying in class.
  8. We learned in our Hebrew book about the letter SHIN, “saying sound” is SH- (Hebrew Hint- is has three branches climbing up- with a dot on the right).
  9. We also wrote letters of support to Israeli children and soldiers. These will be personally delivered by a friend of Rabbi Prass later this week.
  10. What a wonderful morning sharing and learning together with you and your student!
  11. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

10/8: Today in class we worked on:

  1. Students shared “Chesed Happenings” which means Acts of Kindness and Love moments in their lives.
  2. I passed out our new religious book for this year please remember to bring it each week.
  3. We enjoyed being together for T’Fillah with Rabbi Bellows, and Morah Alexa and the 3rd grade class.
  4. The entire school, K – 6, met in the atrium with Rabbi Prass to talk about the recent events in Israel.  We were encouraged to reach out to people we know in Israel we know: family, friends, or past Israeli counselors from summer camp and let them know they are not alone.  Together we made a short video letting them know we are thinking of them.  You can see it by clicking this links: OR
  5. We read the book, A Watermelon in the Sukkah, By Sylvia A. Rouss and Shannan Rouss.
  6. We enjoyed Shira with the 3rd grade class and Morah Alexa.
  7. All the flashcards I provided have the name and the “ saying sound” on the back. Please remind your student to keep them in a flashcard box.
  8. We learned in our Hebrew book about the letter SHIN, “saying sound” is SH- (Hebrew Hint- is has three branches climbing up- with a dot on the right).
  9. Lihitaot (good-bye)!

Homework to be completed by the next class:

  1. Please remember tzedakah.

10/1: Today in class we worked on:

  1. It was wonderful to have the whole school at the synagogue for our annual session at Beth Am centered around Sukkot and Simchat Torah.
  2. We began the session with an all-school game of “I spy with my little eye” something Jewish in the CBA sanctuary.  The K – 6th grade learners found the eternal light, ark, Israeli Flags, Stars of David, Torah scrolls, and much more.  It was so much fun to let their eyes explore our congregation’s sanctuary space.
  3. Then we had an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass and Morah Alexa. 
  4. From there we spread outside and throughout the building for 5 Sukkot related stations.  We rotated every 15 minutes by grade.  The stations were:
    • Sukkot terms and concepts thru a rousing game of charades
    • Build your own sukkah thru origami.  The learners wrote on the roof “My own home is beautiful because…..”
    • Usphizin (inviting guests into my sukkah): The learners thought about who they would want to invite into their sukkah this week
    • A Sukkah Scavenger Hunt of the Mind using Sukkot terms and concepts
    • Sukkah visit with Rabbi Bellows where they spent time in the real sukkah and had an opportunity to shake the lulav & etrog.
  5. We concluded the session with shira, joining in songs connected to sukkot and the next holiday of Simchat Torah.

Homework to be completed by next class:

  1. Next Sunday we return to JCYS.

9/10: Today in class we worked on:

  1. We enjoyed an Opening Ceremony- with all grades together, and so many parents in attendance.  It was great to see the parents!
  2. Introductions (Name, Middle School We Attend, What does Being Jewish Mean To You)
  3. What are Middot? – Conversations about what we value personally, and then what do we as Jews value.
  4. Jewish Middot – Conversation about Acts of Loving Kindness, Respect, Wisdom, Beauty, Justice, and Peace
  5. Shirah (Music) with 4th – 6th grade led by Morah Alexa

Homework to be completed by next class: